Cannot select one character in a scene through viewport

I have a scene with 2 characters. At some point, one character has become unselectable in the viewport; that is, it does not 'light up' in yellow, or any part of it, when the mouse pointer is over it. Even the bounding box is not shown. The other character can be selected in this normal way, and the problem character and its parts can be selected in the Scene tab, though the only way to know is that the manipulator appropriate to the selected tool appears e.g. the rotate wheels for the rotate tool. (I have checked the (very hard to find) Draw Style tool settings, and the Node Highlighting Draw Style is set to 'Bounding Box and Surface', not 'Bounding Box only', so it should light up like the other character does.)
Has anyone got any ideas as to what might be causing this please? This kind of random stuff that DS does is really starting to get on my nerves!
Did the character get marked in the Scene tab as being unselectable by accident somehow? If so, just click that icon to toggle it it back to being selectable again.
If that second character is a node instance (a copy of the first), then I think you can't select it with the tools, only in the Scene Tab. At least that what happens to me. Have no idea why.
Thanks for the suggestions. The problem character is not marked as unselectable, but that was certainly a point worth checking because the Scene tab has been causing me difficulties, mainly highlighting a number of entries when I have clicked on one only. I haven't created any node instances - would not know how, or indeed why I'd want to! - so unless it can be done accidentally, I don't think that is it. Think I am going to have to create it again from scratch, if I can remember the changes I made to the basic G2F - thankfully there weren't a huge number, but it's in a custom pose that took quite a while to set up :(. If it becomes unselectable again, at least I might notice when it happens.
You don't have something else, such as a light or camera 'blocking' the figure, do you?
Thanks, hadn't thought of that, but not as far as I can tell. I have set all the cameras and lights to invisible (using the eye in the Scene tab) and that made no difference.
Fortunately, I have now retrieved a backup of the scene from a point before it became unselectable. I just need to work forwards from there again, a lot less to do that start the whole character from scratch. I do love automated backups!
Setting the lights and cameras invisible won't make them unselectable -- use the Selectable column in the Scene pane.
No, but setting them invisible will let you select what is behind them.
The last time I had a problem with that selection process in the Scene tab...clicking one item and getting many, it was a mouse problem. The button was in the process of dieing and that was the first place it showed up. Try swapping to a different mouse and see if that clears it up...
I have the same issue... Only I know it's not caused by user error... I have zeero cameras in my scene. Character is put to selectable and I cant save morphs with this figure either... I've tried saving it as a new scene. no go. I have tried saving it as a scene asset. no go. i have tried saving it as a scene sub set. no go. I have tried saving it as an actor preset, no go. i have tried reinstalling Daz... no go. The character is legitimatly broken and the last time it was usable. All I did was switch to edit mode and move some morphs into another group. I know it's not anything to do with tool settings either, because I tried to save her zbrush morphs and they wont save as a morph asset. I save the morphs, and load a new G3 in a fresh scene, and the morphs I just tried to save, arn't there. It's like a bridge was lost... The bridge that connects the character to the scene.
Have had problems similar to that a couple of time.
Saving the scene, closing D|S, then reopening fix them.
Might be worth a try.
Now I'm getting this error then I try to save my morphs - WARNING: fileoutput\dzassetoutfile.cpp(640): File could not be opened.