Issues with custom actions after relocating content (nm, resolved)

thoreandanthoreandan Posts: 151

EDIT: I figured it out. Custom Action data is saved as plain text in customactions.dsx, under %AppData%\DAZ 3D\Studio4. I was able to use a text editor to easily find and replace all the old absolute references with the new ones, and now they work.


After moving my content to another drive, I changed my content directories in Daz and everything works fine except custom actions. It seems that references to scripts use absolute file paths, and so most custom actions are broken now. Some custom actions (used for loading figures from the menu or toolbars) still work when clicked, but the icons are gone and replaced with the full title of the custom action in text (not ideal for toolbars).

Is there any automatic way to update all my custom actions, or do I have to manually edit or recreate all the custom actions I use in menus and toolbars (it's quite a few)? Are custom actions saved as text files somewhere so I can edit them in bulk?

Post edited by thoreandan on
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