Didn't detect any database tables

Hello, I today updated Daz3d from 4.2.05. to the newest 4.21.05.

Upon doing so the software stopped booting completely, getting stuck on the "upgrading CMS" in the boot sequence.

Checking the log file which gets spammed with absolutely nothing else but the following: 

2023-01-20 21:29:14.835 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\cloud\dzcloudtasknotifier.cpp(178): Didn't detect any database tables, FIXME: I don't know how to fix this yet.

I do not know how to actually fix this, if you have any suggestions please don't hesitate to throw them my way, thanks!


  • I assume you mean and

    That does sound as if the database may be corrupt or folder rights modified.

  • Yes that's correct - Sorry wrote them out of memory.

    I actually managed to fix this by removing the CMS folder in appdata/roaming/daz3d 

    however noww i'm met with another problem, daz launches but now i'm met with the error that it cant establish valid postgresql cms connection

  • It keeps its settings in there, and it does need a valid database folder. Try replacing the cms folder, if it hasn't been regenerated, and then use Edit>Preferences>CMS to set a new Content Cluster directory (which, we may hope, will not be corrupt or have permission issues).

  • Richard Haseltine said:

    It keeps its settings in there, and it does need a valid database folder. Try replacing the cms folder, if it hasn't been regenerated, and then use Edit>Preferences>CMS to set a new Content Cluster directory (which, we may hope, will not be corrupt or have permission issues).

    Sorry for the delayed response, I removed the CMS folder and Daz booted up like nothing ever had gone wrong. Just had to do a content db maintenance and everything was back in order - Thanks for the help. 


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