How to save hair Parameters->Actor preset?


I'm trying to save "Parameters->Kensington Hair->Actor" dials preset for hair, but I had no luck. I had to tried every single save preset available and nothing. I've noticed in the "Parameters->Kensington Hair->Actor", there are items: Adjustments, Movement and Style, but when I'm trying to save it, in every single preset where actor is available, I have a different items: Adjustments, Head and Waist.

I don't want to write it down or take a screenshots everytime. Is there a way how to save it, so I can load it when i mess something up ?!

I'm using this hair: dForce Kensington Hair for Genesis 8 and 8.1 Females


  • Do you have Kensington Hair Cap or its child, Kensington Hair, selected? The latter seems to work, saving as a Shaping preset (though strictly I would have thought that many of the properties should be Modifier/Pose).

  • I don't understand, I tried it before and it didn't worked, but now it works.. maybe there was some problem with DAZ or file loaded in, anyway thanks a lot!

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