More clothes for V4.2 and M4

I think people would buy new clothes made for v4.2 and M4 these days, too, nexto all the new stuff for the next generation figures. Just have bought a bunch of things for v4.2 and M4


  • mrposermrposer Posts: 1,131

    I agree. Its like DAZ no longer considers them DAZ figures anymore. Other sites still sell V4 and M4 stuff.... why not DAZ??

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    I doubt least in this store.

  • JD_MortalJD_Mortal Posts: 760

    I think the reason they are essentially "retiring" those older versions, is due to the limited technology that supports them. (Older "legacy code", which is lingering around within DAZ, for compatibility reasons.)

    They just don't have the "moves" or the "looks", or the "novelty", that all the new models have. This includes, obviously, the lack of supporting "new creations". DAZ doesn't make everything within the catalog.

    Without bluntly saying, "Go here, look for this at...", I will say, "Look around for Daz3D V4 stuff". There are still many sites with active users that still "create and fix older stuff." Much of it is free, much can still be purchased for bargain prices, some is still just as expensive and detailed as the V5/V6/V7 stuff, and worth the purchase. (Though, like I said, limited in some ways, while less limited in others. Provided you have the other models and morphs and toys for V4 that V6 and V7 does not have yet, or that you already paid for.)

    I did see some real cool stuff for V4, and have obtained some stuff, but it only works on actual V4 models, not any of the V4-conversions that just look like V4. (All the clothes are too low, or too wide, and can't easily be "fitted" with the auto-fit tool, or manually. I feel your pain there. Not because I don't have those models, but because Daz only shows/loads those converted models, which only work with new clothes.)

    I would promote the clothing fitter program that I saw, however, it is forcing everyone to buy licenses for every possible conversion, instead of being used to just convert and share converted "modifications", (Not the actual files, just the modifications made that make them fit.) Essentially selling everyone a DIY kit that requires additional DIY fees to DIY. They could have every item converted, in a week... but then he wouldn't make money selling conversion licenses. He would have been better-off selling pre-converted modifiers for a dime, than to try to get a bunch of dollars from a few people. (It is easier to get a dollar from a million people than it is to get a million dollars from a millionaire. Remember that, write it down, live it..)

    This is like asking Microsoft to make Windows 3.1 software, and actively support it. Unfortunately, it is time to upgrade after two or three versions have passed, to one of the higher versions. (The one with the most sales and available items.)

    Personally, I wish they would re-evaluate the "best of V4", and simply make those items into V5/V6/V7, which can all be done without much effort, since they know the prior mappings, and where the new mappings differ from those items. Shouldn't be too difficult to find a similar "pre-fit" shape and simply project the appropriate weights and forms onto the new models... (Same in reverse, making only a modifier file to downgrade new stuff to older models. Buy one, it works on all of them. Which was always the intended plan, but they keep changing the core-models and bones, making all that fail.) We all have to go back to square-one and reinvent the wheel, individually.

  • KhoryKhory Posts: 3,854

    DAZ can only sell what gets submitted to them. It seems that content creators who still support older figures do not submit here.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    Khory said:

    DAZ can only sell what gets submitted to them. It seems that content creators who still support older figures do not submit here.

    And one of the big doesn't sell enough to make it worth it. 

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited August 2015

    So or so, I do not like the new figrues. One have to buy to much stuff just to make a new figure looking good. I have some stuff for g2f and...the face allways look like a puppet face, no character (means personallity)

    expressionless artificially faces without personality that is what I see if I look at the new figures.

    Post edited by cosmo71 on
  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited August 2015

    And I am totally confused if I have a look at the store and do not know what to buy. You have Genesis, G2F, G2M, G3F and all the other Figures (Characters) based on these and for each and everything you have clothes and poses. You have clothes for this Figure, clothes for that Figure and then you have also clothes for this other Figure and so on and on and on, the same with poses, maybe it is a understanding problem and one can use these clothes and poses on each of the figures so long it is created for a G2F based Figure and one uses a G2F odr G2F based Figure for example, I do not know that.

    I was trying to start with G2F and make a Dixie Character out of her (Dixie is my selfmade character for V4.2) but I can do what I want I never get the face look like the original not even approximate, it allways looks expressionless and artificially without any personality, the same with the body. I simply don`t get a good Dixie Character out of G2F. So I not even started with G2M and my M4 characters.

    Another reason, I do not like to spend tons of money to get a new content of clothes for new figures while I have tons of clothes for V4.2 for example. Sure you can convert the clothes but that works fine just on the first look on the second it does not. I know that this is a mesh problem because these clothes were not created for the new figures but I have these clothes and do not want to dump them into the trash can, because I like them.

    Most clothes I have in my content are created by 3D-Age, Rhiannon, RPublishing or hongyu and they are looking more natural, real and wearable than what I can find for the new figures (mainly).Sure also for the new figures there are some good clothes out there but most of the clothes I see for the new figures no one would wear in reality and I mean not the fantasy stuff.

    And now? Now Genesis 3 Females takes over the market whith tons of stuff and who knows how long vendors will create stuff for the "old" figures Genesis, G2F and G2M.. So why starting with G2F and G2M or even with G3F not knowing how long and how much new stuff I will get/find for them. Who knows if not in one month from now G4F comes out and you need new clothes or new converters.

    No, this is a trend I will not follow, buying more and more new stuff for more and more new figures at ever shorter intervals while the use of old stuff for them is limitied even with convertes for which you have to spend much money.


    Post edited by cosmo71 on
  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited August 2015

    Can someone tell me the advantages of G3F compared to G2F? What has G3F what G2F not has? What is possible with G3F what isn`t with G2F??????

    Post edited by cosmo71 on
  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,845

    Different rigging, mainly. She bends better and has bones in the faces so you can create expressions using those rather than morphs.

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    Leana said:

    Different rigging, mainly. She bends better and has bones in the faces so you can create expressions using those rather than morphs.

    yes, of course, the bending of g3F is really good and real, have tried some poses but until I have what I need on clothes and hair and stuff I have to spend hundreds of dollars :(


  • Steve KSteve K Posts: 3,272
    cosmo71 said:


    Another reason, I do not like to spend tons of money to get a new content of clothes for new figures while I have tons of clothes for V4.2 for example. ...

    No, this is a trend I will not follow, buying more and more new stuff for more and more new figures at ever shorter intervals  ...

    Good points.

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,845
    cosmo71 said:
    Leana said:

    Different rigging, mainly. She bends better and has bones in the faces so you can create expressions using those rather than morphs.

    yes, of course, the bending of g3F is really good and real, have tried some poses but until I have what I need on clothes and hair and stuff I have to spend hundreds of dollars :(

    Autofit clones and projection templates have been released, so now you can use your older clotheswith G3F. As for hair, manually positioning and then parenting to the head usually does the work.

  • Well I'm still buying old V4.2 and M4 stuff. I still have my eyes on some Genesis and G2 stuff, but I drew the line with G3, I still got the first pro bundle, but the figure really is not that much better then the previous Genesis figures (or since I mostly make comics and novel covers even the Generation 4 stuff) to warrent spending another fortune getting all the necessary morphs and skin MATs and Hair etc.

  • StratDragonStratDragon Posts: 3,253

    rendo PA's still release new content for generation 4 figures

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited August 2015

    rendo PA's still release new content for generation 4 figures

    I know and I am a great fan of 3D-Age clothes and their texture add ons and he still makes new stuff for v4.2 and more and more new vendors also. 3D-Age has really great clothes and I have a lot of them for v4.2. RPublishing and Rhiannon are also great but the make no new stuff for m4 and v4.2.


    Post edited by cosmo71 on
  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609

    Well I'm still buying old V4.2 and M4 stuff. I still have my eyes on some Genesis and G2 stuff, but I drew the line with G3, I still got the first pro bundle, but the figure really is not that much better then the previous Genesis figures (or since I mostly make comics and novel covers even the Generation 4 stuff) to warrent spending another fortune getting all the necessary morphs and skin MATs and Hair etc.

    that is one reason. I have tons of clothes and poses and probs and stuff for v4.2 and a lot for m4. main female Character Dixie is a self created character of a V4.2 based Figure called WWG II, it uses the V4.2 geometry but is not a v4.2 and I have added lots of  third party morphs and a d-former shaping tool. The skin is natasha elite skin but edited by me with tatoos, little spots here and there, tan lines and so on, so she is special and can`t be converted to any of the daz figures except the skin, that works. But as written, I have tons of clothes for v4.2 and the converters for genesis and genesis 2 females are good but not good enough in some areas. So most of the time I use v4.2 and M4 for my renders.

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    sites that sell V4 and M4 items--where? i couldn't find anyhting through a search

  • watchdog79watchdog79 Posts: 1,026

    vicdaz said:

    sites that sell V4 and M4 items--where? i couldn't find anyhting through a search

    Did you check the dates on those previous posts?smiley 

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,625

    but since you are here

    ShareCG, Renderosity etc but not new

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