How to Identify a Key Value?

In the timeline keys can be created at frames for a node property.
When reading a node property for a frame how do I know if it is a key value or not?
i.e. How do I know if the timeline would show a little black marker for this node value at this time?
Post edited by dan2050 on
Starting to answer my own question.
a dzProperty has a collection of keys. You cannot access them directly it seems but you can get how many there are (getNumKeys) and use index numbers (0 based?) to manipulate them.
The collection of 0 or more keys represents keys stretched out over time. Their index gives their order in the time line, but not their frame number.
The index can be used to get a time mark (DzTimeRange).
The scene can be used to translate between time and frame numbers, depending on the frames per second setting.
Its all a bit indirect but I'm getting there.