Node name in Daz Script

I cannot figure out the node name to use for Upper Face Rig in a script I'm trying to kluge together. Lower Jaw is simple enough; lowerJaw. However, I've tried several permutations like upperFaceRig, upperfaceRig, etc and nothing seems to work. It doesn't thrown any errors, it simply ignores the Upper Face Rig.
Could anyone point me in the right direction, please?
Thanks in advance!
Nevermind guys, I found the PowerPose Templates generator script and that gave me the bad news. Lot of typing in my future.
Have you tried "upperfacerig"? No caps, at least on G9; on G8/G8.1 it is "upperFaceRig". I take it the value is case-sensitive...?
Yes, I did try that, thanks. There is a way I've seen to gather node names from the Label, I'm just trying to shoehorn together the script snippets to use this to recurse the nodes returned by that code, and then have it build an array from that. I'm not a coder. I can shell script a bit in unix, but anything related to javascript or a similar family just confuses me. Which is not too hard to do :D