DAZ Studio Clothing on Metahuman?

Hi, I wanted to ask, has anyone tried to put or transfer Daz Studio clothing onto Metahumans?
Is that possible? 


  • I've done it in a way that uses the Daz body and clothes, but a metahuman head. I've seen a few things that build entirely new clothes in Marvellous Designer for Metahuman, but I've not not seen anyone port Daz clothes directly onto the Metahumans (yet). I'm sure it's only a matter of time though.

  • I did make a sort of "clone" shape for their body for Genesis 8

    I transfer weightmapping to the resulting obj export with G8 hidden on the Metahuman body FBX export in Blender.

    It works but I cannot really be bothered with them too much.


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