Eye color on G9

HeraHera Posts: 1,958

This might sound like a stupid question, but I'm lost and rather desperate now for something that ought to really be easy - but how do I change the eye color (iris color) on the G9 characters? I cannot find any eye options wherever I look and I cannot select Iris with the surface tool. 

What am I missing?




  • felisfelis Posts: 4,694

    You have to remember that on G9 eyes are separate from the main G9.

    So in order to get to eye color you need to expend the character and then find the eyes as a parented object.

    I yhink that some characters only come with one color, so in order to have options you might need this https://www.daz3d.com/genesis-9-starter-essentials-expansion

    And iris is no longer its own surface, so in order to change it you will change the whole eye. If you want to just change the iris it can be done with LIE if you have a mask.

  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 6,063

    felis to the rescue again! Thanks again for the short fingernail morph.

    But I'd suggest Natural Eyes instead of G9 Starter Essentials Expansion eyes, which I find unrealistic & toonish. Admittedly, I didn't even buy it (though I bought all the other items in the bundle) because chevybabe25 will soon also come out with better brows for G9, and I don't need anatomical elements (which are only available in the G9SEE).

  • felisfelis Posts: 4,694

    Yeah, I haven't really dived much into G9 yet.

    I bought the Essentials Expansion when it came out, where I actually thought it was something else...

    I can see that I need to wishlist Natural Eyes.

    When I looked at it yesterday, I was a bit surprised that I couldn't find a morph for the pupils (expansion/contraction) and it doesn't look like there is one in Natural Eyes either.

  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 6,063

    @felis There are two Eye Iris size morphs in the DO G9 Head Shapes pack, though they appear to have left out the dilate morph.

  • felisfelis Posts: 4,694

    xyer0 said:

    @felis There are two Eye Iris size morphs in the DO G9 Head Shapes pack, though they appear to have left out the dilate morph.

    Yes I found the Iris morphs, but was surprised the other was missing. 

  • chevybabe25chevybabe25 Posts: 1,279

    "though they appear to have left out the dilate morph"

    The dilate morph is there, its just hidden under the pose tab instead of shaping. *shrugs*

  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 6,063

    chevybabe25 said:

    "though they appear to have left out the dilate morph"

    The dilate morph is there, its just hidden under the pose tab instead of shaping. *shrugs*

    @chevybabe25 Thanks so much! I hope you're burning the midnight oil. We really need your help, mate. 

  • chevybabe25chevybabe25 Posts: 1,279

    You are very welcome.

    I am! I have a few things in the works  :)

  • felisfelis Posts: 4,694
    edited December 2022

    chevybabe25 said:

    "though they appear to have left out the dilate morph"

    The dilate morph is there, its just hidden under the pose tab instead of shaping. *shrugs*

    Thank you.

    But that seems very weird to me.

    I assume it is done, due to it being muscle driven, but as there is no corresponding bone, it just look odd. 

    Post edited by felis on
  • chevybabe25chevybabe25 Posts: 1,279

    I agree, it feels odd.  

  • Pupil dilation is a temporary thing, in response to mood and/or lighting, so having it under Pose controls seems right to me. Shaping is for the stuff that is fixed, at least for a while.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,878

    Richard Haseltine said:

    Pupil dilation is a temporary thing, in response to mood and/or lighting, so having it under Pose controls seems right to me. Shaping is for the stuff that is fixed, at least for a while.

    Aren't poses done by bone rotation? Is that how pupil dilation is done now?

  • My understanding is that a pose is anything dynamic, subject to change from moment to moment, regardless of how it is implemented.

  • I have followed all the above advice and looked through several tutorials.I can apply the eye color to the shaded texture preview but not to the Iray preview or Iray renders. the iris is white. Not sure what I am missing or not doing correctly.  If anyone can be of assistance it would be greatly appreciated.

  • routefile_d81421dd5e said:

    I have followed all the above advice and looked through several tutorials.I can apply the eye color to the shaded texture preview but not to the Iray preview or Iray renders. the iris is white. Not sure what I am missing or not doing correctly.  If anyone can be of assistance it would be greatly appreciated.

    Are you sure it isn't the EyeMoisture layer on top of the eye being opaque and blocking you from seeing the Iris?

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