DS Install Manager wants me to update Daz Studio, Multiple questions!

I wanted to use the Daz Studio Install Manager to download all of my new purchases from sales and freebies this wonderful December!

I got a pop-up wanting me to install the current Daz Studio.  I use Daz Studio version Pro Edition.

I need to tell you a little of my background:

1.  2005-Became a member of Daz3d and used Poser

2.  2018-Started using Daz Studio

3.  Install all of my products manually.  I only use the DS Install manager to download products and occasional updates.  I DO NOT use Smart Content because I prefer my own organization.  Also, I suffer from OCD :(

4.  I run about 10 libraries under Daz Studio...both DS and Poser.  My main DS library is on my C: drive and all of my other libraries are on an external drive.

5.  I'm 67 years old, cannot see very well due to cataracts and hope to have surgery next year.  I don't think I am ready to take on new software until I have eye surgery.

6.  I'm quite happy with my current version of DS and very worried that something will go wrong when I update.  

7.  I can still open scenes I have created in the past 4 years and I don't want any problems doing that.

8.  I did NOT keep a copy of the DS version I use to install again if I need to.  That is my fault and the source of my worry!!!  I have ALL of the versions I have every used from the very first DS to DAZStudio_4.11.0.383_Win64.  I just don't have what I use now :(

9.  I want to update to the current DS, but I'm afraid to do so.  

10.  I love using DS and do not want to upset anyone or lose my membership here!  Can you please private message me if you delete my post?

11.  I just purchased some wonderful Genesis 9 products.  Can I use G9 in my DS version?

12.  I have read that I can install a different version of Daz Studio on an external hard drive.  Can I do that?  That would be awesome because I am running out of room on my C: drive.  I have plenty of room on my D: drive which is the partioned drive on my computer.  However, I really don't want DS installed there.  I prefer an external hard drive.

I appreciate all answers to my questions in Items 11 and 12.  Thank you all so very much!!!



  • 31415926543141592654 Posts: 975
    edited December 2022

    Good day, you are right to be concerned ... but there is hope.

    First, avoid installing the regular Daz Studio update since it will replace your current version. Instead, you can install the ones labeled BETA - this is a separate version and you will have both your old and new versions available on your machine which allows you to test the new one and see what does and does not work.

    Second, a number of things have been addeded since 4.12 - including the facial posing options. The big change that will effect you is the addition of PBR (physical based rendering) shaders. So far, these have mostly appeared on characters and not scenes. But this will not render in the older versions. Also, autofit will not work on the newer(est) generations.Also, I am guessing that the Filament rendering was added after 4.12 ... that takes some getting used to also.

    Third, more than likely, when you update Studio you will need to update your graphic card drivers. This is usually not a problem ... but sometimes it is. Keep your old driver updates handy. 

    EDIT:  Yes, I think it is possible to have a separate version of Daz Studio on a separate drive ... but when installing you must be cautious to direct things to the right drive. Since you are manually installing, that is less of a problem.

    Post edited by 3141592654 on
  • You will need to use a newer version of Daz Studio to take full advantage of more recent figures. As 3141592654 says the beta is one way to do this without losing your current version (just bear in mind that it is the current version that will open when you double-click a native file, not the beta, so you will have to get into the habit of starting the application and then loading the files from there - assuming that isn't how you work anyway). To get the beta you will need to purchase https://www.daz3d.com/daz-studio-beta and install it through Install Manager. You will have to set your content directories in the new version though, and the application layout - this script will let you copy the UI layout (just download it and drag it into the Viewport of the beta version) http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/software/dazstudio/4/referenceguide/scripting/api_reference/samples/general_ui/copy_ui_from_channel/start . This script, run in the release version, will create a new script which you should then run in the beta to give it the same directory list http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/software/dazstudio/4/referenceguide/scripting/api_reference/samples/file_io/save_mapped_paths/start.

  • Thank you guys so very much!!!  That was fantastic to see the very detailed instructions.  

    There is a lot to consider here!!

    I went to the DS Beta Product page, Richard, and the page showed I had already purchased Beta.  So, I went to my products, and there it is!  It was a freebie in 2011 that is showing in my invoices.

    Well, this is something I feel I want to do after the holidays.  

    I have a blast making art and, although I will never be very good, Daz Studio is a stress relief and something I am more proud of than my 50 years as a bookkeeper.  I have a few of my works in the gallery here, so you might take a look.  I need to get all of my good works uploaded to Daz3d!

    I certainly do want the latest version of DS, so I will, indeed, try this after the holidays!!

    Again, thank you so much!  Happy Holidays!!!

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