Content can't be found


I haven't really used Daz3D in over a year or so. And, even then, I never moved past novice level. My issue is I can't view all my items in Smart Content. I see them all under Content Library, but I would like to be able to view new and old items together if possible. It's annoying when I want to work with an old character like Aiko 3, which can be found in Smart Content as a character, but I can't take advantage of all items assigned to her. In the end I forget about them soley because they are in Content Library with 100's of other files that aren't grouped by association of a character.

If there is a way to group or see ALL items assigned to a character either by way of a script, filing or system set up, please let me know. And if there is, please explain it to me in very simple terms as I am not savy with programs like this. I just want to use all the files I purchased to their full advantage without having to do an endless search for something and hope it corresponds to that character or scene.



  • So is the issue things not appearing in Smart Content or that you are not seeing all of them? Do you have the Filter By Context box checked, at bottom left? That will reduce the number of items shown by restricting the list to only those marked as compatible with the current selection.

  • Richard Haseltine said:

    So is the issue things not appearing in Smart Content or that you are not seeing all of them? Do you have the Filter By Context box checked, at bottom left? That will reduce the number of items shown by restricting the list to only those marked as compatible with the current selection.

    Basically, I have everything I've ever purchased listed alphabetically in Content Library for Daz Studio 4.21 Pro. I can see any item I want if I know its name. However, I keep things simple and work primarily out of Smart Content. I have checked and unchecked the filter box. Some content, like, is listed as an active character for me to select in Smart Content. At the same, many older items related to it like,, are not listed in Smart Content at all. So, unless I activily go searching for it, I tend to forget I even have some of these outfits or accessories to utilize.

    I would like to know if there is a way to transfer all content from the library to the smart system so I don't have to constantly look around or forget about something I paid for long ago.   

  • Older products may not have complete metadata. One thing you can try is to load the figure (Aiko 3 here) then drag the items you ant to associate with her from the Content Library pane to a category container in Smart Content.

  • Richard Haseltine said:

    Older products may not have complete metadata. One thing you can try is to load the figure (Aiko 3 here) then drag the items you ant to associate with her from the Content Library pane to a category container in Smart Content.

    That worked. Thank you very much. 

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