Save issue using the save ICON

Good day all DS friends.

At the top on the toolbar is a disc icon to save your work. I save often.

But after an upgrade to Win10 and a subsequent clean re-install of DS that icon is now acting not as SAVE but as SAVE-AS.

Is there a setting I need to change? I cannot seem to find out how to fix that so it is the same as it was and is on my other machines. It is only this machine that has changed function.

On other machines an on this prior to upgrade clicking that just saved the file and returned me to my work.  On this machine every time I click that it opens a directory and askes me to "save as" whereupon I have to click the file I am working on to save.  It is annoying.

Any clue how to fix that?

DS V.  / Win 10-1803

No I am not going to update DS as I tried that and had a number of issues including Nvidia driver problems so returned to this version. And when I had the newerest version I still had the same save-as problem anyway.


Thanks for any suggestions.



  • That means that the author name in the file does not match the author name in Edit>Preferences.

  • Richard Haseltine said:

    That means that the author name in the file does not match the author name in Edit>Preferences.

    Ok that may be the what is the solution?

  • Well now!  My dumb error!

    I think I mentioned I did a clean reinstall of DS but it appears I had neglected to add any name to the config. Problem solved!

    Thank you Richard !

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