Gen 9 trouble fit

Hi mates, In the last few days I have created a series of panties for Genesis 9. I used my usual technique: base on gen 9 via transfer utility. Except that for a panty, the unisex model is too female/male and it doesn't fit well (if you know what I mean. Hm.) when I then transfer to models like Victoria 9. So I recreated the model on the Victoria 9 avatar. It fits perfectly when I load the .obj. Unfortunately, when I use transfer utility to Victoria 9, the result is catastrophic. It breaks what is the perfectly fitted base (same if i transfer ton Gen9 base model) Any ideas?


  • felisfelis Posts: 4,191
    edited December 2022

    When using transfer utility, with Victoria as Source, try to set shape to 'current' and tick 'Reverse Source Shape from Target.

    Post edited by felis on
  • You rock ! That's perfect. Thank you !

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