Having some trouble with Felixx Hair

JCarverJCarver Posts: 37

Hey guys, I'm pulling my own hair out, because I suddenly seem to be having trouble rendering the Felixx Hair product. The hair is rendering thin and I can't seem to get it to look like it does in the product image. I've used this hair successfully before, and have no idea what's going on now. The hair loads just fine, the colors work, and the shaping dials work. It just won't show the thicker, more solid version in a render, not even in an actual render from the "render" tab. I clicked the "preview on" option many times and nothing happens. Can somebody test this product out if you have it and tell me exactly what you did to make the hair look thick like the product image? Thanks!

Edit: I think this is a problem with the latest version of Daz Studio perhaps? I just pulled it up on my old computer, with Daz Studio 4.12, and found that Felixx hair loads up the thick render preview version by default! And of course, the buttons to turn it on and off work fine. So it seems to be in the DS version 4.21 in which it does not work. Does anyone have any ideas? 

Edit: I just saved the scene on a flashdrive from the old computer--with the hair working the way I wanted--and took it over to the newer, faster computer, loaded the scene, and it still shows the thin hair version. I'm wondering if this has something to do with any hidden settings I don't know about(?) Just trying to give as much info as I can so maybe somebody can help me. Thanks!

Post edited by Richard Haseltine on


  • Moved to technical help as it is a product, not a Daz Studio, question.

    Which tool is active? Try activating the Universal tool if that is not what you have.

  • Thank you so much, Richard! After your comment, I opened my program, clicked the universal tool (I think I always use it by default anyway), loaded up genesis 8 + Felixx hair, and it magically worked! I Even tried to recreate the problem, but everything worked regardless. This seems to happen to me every time I throw up my hands and go online to complain and ask questions. I think there's a gremlin in the system that just wants to make me look like a goofball LOL. Nonetheless, I'm very happy it's working again. Thanks again! ^^

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