Problem with Morphs - Wet Hair
I feel bad for asking so mny questions.
I've loaded Wet Hair onto a V6 Model and I can see all of the morphs - (style movement and fixes) but none of the work. I've fit the hair to V6 and I also have the V4 to Genesis 2 Auto Converter. Shouldn't the morphs work then?
When I load the hair onto V4.2 the morphs work just fine. If I load the hair onto V4.2 and set it the way I want it and then save it as a subset will I be able to load it onto V6?
When you transfer a figure over with autofit, morphs often will no longer work. It's hit or miss, no really logic I have been able to find. Don't feel bad for asking :)
If you are familiar with the transfer utility you could try transfering the morphs over again from the original V4 item to the new version. Do you have the V4 shape for genesis 2?
if you have the V4 shape for genesis, you could follow these steps.