Does someone has problem with Win 10 slowing tremendously the rendering after two renders...

Does someone has problem with Win 10 slowing tremendously the rendering after two renders and have to be restarted to work properly again? I presumed it may be from my old 1070 Ti and even put new fans but the temperature stays under 65 degrees Celsius and the render still suddenly renders many times slower (both 4.20 and 4.21)?


  • Are you sure the render isn't simply dropping to CPU?

  • Richard Haseltine said:

    Are you sure the render isn't simply dropping to CPU?

    Actually no. But stopping and restarting the render changes nothing while the restarting the Windows w/o touching the render settings does the job. Also thus was a bug in 4.12, right? Still the next time it slows down again I will try to check.


  • DS at least needs to be restarted to clear the GPU memory if Iray runs out, some people have found they need a system restart.

  • handel_035c4ce6handel_035c4ce6 Posts: 472
    edited December 2022

    Look like it tries to render it only with the CPU, if I understand the stats correctly, but I have no idea why this happens. Now the CPU works at 100% and GPU at 0% and the render is very slow (several passes for minute). On the other hand when it rendered normally - 200 passes for about 4 min, the CPU was still working at 50% and the GPU was still at 0-1% activity. Don't know if this is normal and why the GPU isn't more engaged.

    1920 x 1080 - 439K
    Post edited by handel_035c4ce6 on
  • Set one of those graphs to CUDA, or if you don't have CUDA try Compute 0 - the default graphs don't show Iray activity.

  • handel_035c4ce6handel_035c4ce6 Posts: 472
    edited December 2022

    Richard Haseltine said:

    Set one of those graphs to CUDA, or if you don't have CUDA try Compute 0 - the default graphs don't show Iray activity.

    If everything renders OK, the CUDa almost all the time stays at 100%, but sometimes happens this. On the pic 1 is CUDA, and pic 2 shows how the rendering starts, makes just few passes for a lot of time, and then starts loading this and that at new, then the render proceeds from the next pass etc.

    PS. And I saw now "Dedicated GPU memory" is very low. On this scene the normal render looks like pic 3.

    681 x 610 - 118K
    385 x 391 - 46K
    677 x 614 - 118K
    Post edited by handel_035c4ce6 on
  • Yes, it seems to be running out of memory on the GPU.

  • Richard Haseltine said:

    Yes, it seems to be running out of memory on the GPU.

    Restarting the program resolved the problem. Previously I presumed the video card fans are on the brink and therefore restarting windows cools them just a little but enough for normal render for some time.

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