Strange Plants ZIP

This is the corrected
I made some strange plants/flowers and wanted to make a challenge to use them in an image. Could be an abstract or a scene.

Post edited by NGartplay on
Here's all of the plants in one scene. I didn't set mat zones for the turtle plants.
Cool looking Flowers
Make a group out of the plants then save the group as an OBP. Then they'll load as a group & you can always un group in the new scene to place them. You can adjust the nano preview on the create palette. By dragging these keys The Ctrl will zoom in & out, the Shift key will rotate, the space bar will pan left right up & down, the Alt key will reset the view. Also adjust the preview before hitting the add option.
Thank you S Ray. Did you grab the zip?
I tried the nano adjustments and they worked perfectly. Awesome
Very nicely done. Thanks so much. I'll download later and experiment!
Thanks Fencepost! I'm going to go see if I can remember how to add mat zones to the two turtle shapes. I'll upload them if I can get it right.
These look awesome NGartplay, I will also download them later, thanks for the file.
You're welcome mermaid. They're pretty crude but you just never know when they might come in handy.
Ngartplay : great plants to experiment with. Thanks for the file.
NGartplay - thanks for the ZIP, I got it and see what I can do with it.
Ngartplay I didn't notice the Zip. So I Just down loaded it & will add it to my Contributing Artist Library next time I launch Bryce. Thanks.
You're welcome everyone.
Corrected zip. The turtle plant has mat zones now.
NGartplay : thank you.
This is nice, thanks :)
Also looking forward seeing more renders with them.
Past as Future, grab the zip file.
Haven't noticed that at first! Got it, thank you!