Free Hourglass Model - Bryce obp format

Well, I had hoped that I could participate in the "Time" render contest, but I have too much on the plate right now. However, that didn't stop me from creating a little something that y'all can use for the contest or in other renders: an hourglass model, made in Wings 3D. The model is in Bryce's obp format and is untextured, but each part has been assigned a logical name and family groups are named accordingly for ease of selecting and adding materials. Hopefully, Bryce behaves and keeps everything labeled accordingly. Go ahead use it and have fun and if you have any issues, please let me know.
I tried to create some sand to include, but I kept doing something wrong and the mesh was messed up. My suggestion is you make a duplicate of the hourglass shape and shrink just a little and then use terrains in strategic locations and using boolean operations to cut away what you don't need.!AomqqBl2jSMahLYgROc6h7Y9l63emA?e=n4Bhcv

Thank you Fencepost. I think that an empty hourglass could be quite useful. Maybe someone will use it in the clock challenge. It's very beautiful.
Thanks Fencepost, looks wonderful!
Cool... Nice one. I just modeled an hourglass for this challenge. Which was quit challenging to do.
Thanks Art, looks awesome
Fencepost - thank you, got it, I'll see what I can do with it.
its beautiful.... thank you Fencepost
Fencepost : thank you, beautiful model.
Fencepost: A beautiful model. Thanks!
wow thanks a bunch it,s really lovely
Fencepost's Hourglass - thanks again Art! The glass has white transparency at refraction 153. At the side of it the sand I made. I copied the glass, cut it with a two cubes, added 3 conus, grouped them and gave them a sand material, made it a tiny bit smaller, moved it into the glass and grouped everything together. The result is not impeccable but I think good enough.
Looks great Horo.
Yes.... it looks great Horo.
Glad y'all like it and you're welcome.
Horo - Nice render and well done on the sand. I know there's an easter egg in Bryce that produces small bubbles, but I don't recall how it's done. I wonder if that would work for the grains that a falling from above?
I just took a look at your render and, not only is the overall render great, so is the modeling of the hourglass. Very detailed and I can see why it was challenging to make.
Horo the hour glass looks great.
NGartplay, Yellow Pen and mermaid - thank you.
Fencepost - the easter egg bubbles are too big for sand as I remember.
Horo : great looking hourglass.
adbc - thank you. Fencepost made the hourglass I only cobbled together the sand.
This is lovely! Thank you!