Simple Script Example - Add LIE Layer to Existing Texture

Hi all - thanks for all the posts here, learning so much.
I found the document for LIE DzLayeredTexture - but there's not an example there, unfortunately of how to implement. I can probably work from this documentation to create what I need, but I thought I'd ask if someone already has a simple script to do the following. I know you can save a LIE preset but unless I'm doing it wrong, it seems bound to the current object and surface - you can't seem to save a 'generic' overlay. I want to add a grunge layer on top of whatever surface I have selected through script.
1) Add an Image layer - Source Over
2) Add an Image Mask - Source Over
3) And Save
That's all. Also, I can't use my iRay diffuse overlay because I'm already using that for something else.
If you by chance have that, I appreciate it.
@Richard Haseltine - Thank you so much - Here's the final script - It adds an additional grunge LIE layer on top of the current texture to any surfaces that are selected. Still to do: More robust error checking and cleaning up orphans if another layer is added. Again, thanks
Please make sure you comply with the license terms when using the samples -
@Richard Haseltine Okay - I just read the license - If I were to distribute my version with a freebie I'm working, the way I read this is as long as I include a link to the original script and license with a note of changes made, I can do that? Am I reading that correctly?
If you download the script, rather than copying and pasting, the header already has most of the required information - obviously not your changes.