Actions wont trigger. No errors

clandescent1clandescent1 Posts: 22

Using this

these actions wont trigger, there is no error and code appears to be ok. Note that other actions like selecting figures or objects work, i cant imagine a reason why these two would not work.

triggerAction( "DzFacetSelClearAction" ); this is for "Clear Selection"

triggerAction( "DzHPCloseAllAction" ); this is for "Collapse All"

Anyone have any idea how to make it work?

Post edited by clandescent1 on


  • OmnifluxOmniflux Posts: 390

    I'm not sure what you've changed in that script so cannot offer insight into why what you are doing is not working, however I just tested and there is no issue with these actions in



     This collapses all expanded nodes in the Scene panel.


    This deselects all selected polygons in the Geometry Editor tool.

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