Going Through Tutorial: Dagger Dancer Adding a Prop Lesson - Having Problem
I'm trying to work through the tutorial but I've come up against a part that I'm not getting. In the Guided Tours > II - Sample Scenes > Dagger Dancer > I - Adding a Prop part I clear the scene with the New button, add the Ready to Render - Barefoot Dancer scene file, then then put in the HornRight dagger. So far so good. But then a box marked Applying a Pose Preset pops up telling me to click on the Smart Content pane (not the tab). The Blades subheading and the HornRight dagger are still selected...when I click in the pane the dagger is unselected but nothing else changes, especially the arrow that I'm supposed to follow.
I'm not sure what's going on but for the life of me I can't figure out where I'm supposed to go next. Any help would be appreciated.
It seems to work OK for me. I follow the arrows, and it goes to Poses > By Function > Combat in the Smart Content pane.and there is an icon for 'Dagger Dancer Pose.DUF' which you doyble click. Do you have that available in Smart Content?
Nope. There is no Pose heading in my Smart Content pane.
I just discovered that you need to have this : http://www.daz3d.com/dagger-dreams installed as well to get the Dagger Dancer Pose file.
It is free, do you have it installed as well?
Did you install them both with DIM? If so, it is a simple matter to uninstall them both, then reinstall again and see if that fixes it. If not, you could try re-importing Metadata again in case there is something wrong with that.
Deleted then reinstalled both packages and that didn't help. How do I reimport the Megadata?
If you installed them using DIM the metadata would be done automatically, otherwise go to the Content Library options menu (rectangle with horizontal lines in the upper corner) > Content DB Maintenance > Re-Import Metadata
That seems to have fixed the problem. Thank you.
I'm commenting on this thread because I'm also trying to go through this tutorial but its telling me that I'm missing files from the dagger product. I've uninstalled and reinstalled and same issue but its not telling me what I'm missing. Help?
What version of DS, and how is the product installed?
version 4.9 and it was installed with DIM
And all the other content used in the tutorial was installed with DIM and the tutorial is fine with it?
anything else that I've loaded through the DIM has been fine, the tutorial itself stops because of the missing files.
Can you load the files outside of the tutorial, through Smart Content or Daz Studio Formats?
No it says that the file doesn't exist
When you try to load the file outside of the tutorial what error message do you get?
That the file doesn't exist and now that I'm looking into it further everything outside of the items for the barefoot dancer are showing in the files but double clicking gives the same error of Resource Error: Could not open file: file does not exist.
Is this in Smart Content/Categories/Products? Can you load the files from Daz Studio Formats/Poser Formats?
So far its been with the Smart Content/Categories/Products but trying to pull it up under Daz Studio Formats/Poser Formats and I get the same error
Can you post these 2 screenshots:
1) In DS, Edit > Preferences > Content Library > Content Directory Manager, expand the "DAZ Studio Formats" and "Poser Formats"
2) In DIM, on Ready to Install tab check the "Show Details" box in the lower right
The path that DIM is installing to isn't listed -- add the DIM path ( C:\Users\Public\Documents\My DAZ 3D Library ) to both DS formats and Poser formats in DS.
Oooooh, thanks so much!
And don't add the Runtime folder under Poser Format files.