55th Bryce Contest ( Clocks / Overtime )

Man oh man, where do I start. Life is hectic. To pc breaking down, then realzing after buying a new one all you had to do was buy a new cable for $50. Storm taking out your power and the next door neighbors internet guy taking down your internet pole by mistake, To volunter work piling up. I find myself going out more (which is wierd, I dont even like sunlight). But anyway, enough about my vampire lineage. Your probably wondering what this has to do with clocks? Well daylight-savings time just happend. And I for one cannot keep up with my own timely duties, so having magical clocks swapping back and forth sure doesnt help. Back in the good old days, we had one time, Sun up , Sun down, that was it. Now things are so complicated. Its no wonder why santa only comes once a year. He probably spends the other 364 setting up his clocks. So just as things change overtime, I wanna see how people's skills changed as well.
Bryce Contest #55
Theme: Clocks / Overtime
A grandfather and his grandson where having a conversation. The grandfather tells his grandson: "You should you never eat a clock? It is a time-consuming process." And if you do, never visit the bathroom after. "Why's that?" The boy asked. "Because it leads to a waste of time". The grandfather then ask's "Do you know When do clocks die?" The boy says "No I don't grandfather, when do they?".
The grandfather replies, "When their time is up". He then askes the boy "Why did your sister shoot the alarm clock anyway?". The boy replies, "Because she was bored, and felt like killing time"
A customer walks into a store
Customer: “I’d like a watch that tells time.”
Clerk: “Don’t you have a watch that tells time?”
Customer: “No, you have to look at it"
Even though he could not tell time, my three-year-old grandson was wearing a watch when I visited.
Later, when I was putting on my coat to leave, I asked him what time it was.
He looked at his watch blankly, then brightened. “It’s time for you to go,” he answered triumphantly.
while were at it. 6:30 is the best time on the clock…Hands down.
All renders must be new renders.
You can enter up to 3 renders.
You must abide by the DAZ 3D forum TOS
Imported content is allowed, but the render must be obviously a Bryce render.
Post Work permitted, but please keep it to a minimum.
Please submit your works before the deadline
judging is done by a voting poll, which all members will be allowed to vote.
Challenge ends December 31st, 2022 (Extra time will be given if needed)
DAZ 3D Sponsorship, in the form of Store credit
Ist place $30 2nd place $20 3rd place $15
In addition DAZ 3D Store Credit will be given to the people whose renders are selected as the Honorable mentions,
$10 for each of 3 honorable mentions
We will also be offering a special prize for the render judged the best from a Bryce New User. DAZ 3D will add $10.
Judged by a poll which will be set up at closure of the challenge.
By entering this contest, you agree to allow DAZ3D to use any artwork you submit in any promotional materials they may choose
Apoc - funny description

Apoc - nice theme, looking forward to seeing the entries. I also have computer problems, maybe Santa will drop one my way.
I like this theme. I did a clock image decades a go and it was fun creating it.
Oh, dear. hope there is enough time for me to work on a clock-render!
Hansmar :) :)
not 100% sure on the theme but here goes..." A walk through time"
Spuddy wow superb entry to start the challenge, well done
Cool idea spuddy, and nicely done.
thank you mermaid010 and Horo
Sunflowers have been shown to absorb harmful toxic elements and radiation from the soil and clean up the environment. Being so good for the environment as well as beautiful to look at, it is no wonder that the sunflower has now truly become a symbol of peace and also hope for the future of humankind.
next one" Time is running out"
spuddy - again a cool idea and again nicely done.
Now we're talking. Great entries Spuddy. I need to get myself in front of Bryce soon and come up with something too. You're inspiring me :)
spuddy : wow, two outstanding entries, both original ideas. Very well done.
Spuddy - very well done, superb entries both
Spuddy, two great entries and certainly within the scope of the contest, I would think!
Spuddy another nice idea well done.
thanks to everyone for the supportive comments
the Dandelion plant is by Bojan Babic two embankments and vegetation from quixel
" Dandelion Clocks"
Spuddy another superb idea and well executed.
spuddy - you created three excellent entries.
Spuddy, dandelions never looked so cool. They are the bane of my yard, lol. Nicely done.
Great work Spuddy. You made your three renders in no time
spuddy : Dandelion Clocks : impressive render.
mermaid010..Horo...NGartplay...Hansmar...adbc...Thank you
this might be one will need to choose 3 at the end
mermaid010..Horo...NGartplay...Hansmar...adbc...Thank you
this might be one will need to choose 3 at the end
"Clockwork Orange"
Spuddy - another two beatiful render, well done.
spuddy - great title ... again a cool idea.
yellow pen Horo thank you
sorry for this but yet another to choose from we all get in this endless loop going round in circles at times not getting time for ourselves and need someone to release us from it
" breaking the time trap" or "Trapped by time"
Spuddy, If I were you, this one would certainly be one of the three, bucause the idea is marvelous and it is very wel depicted.
Argh, this is hard Spuddy. I don't think that you can go wrong with any of your images. They are all good in their own way. I'm drawn to the Clockwork Orange just because it makes me laugh.
spuddy - another great idea and very nicely done.
spuddy : "Clockwork Orange" and "Trapped by Time" : two cool ideas, very well made.