54th Bryce Contest (Voting Poll)

THEME : ***** *Majestic Animals* *****
DEADLINE : ( 11 / 28 / 2022 )
VOTING LINK: ( https://s.surveyplanet.com/izdpejg1 )
Prizes :
DAZ 3D Sponsorship, in the form of Store credit
Ist Place $30
2nd Place $20
3rd place $15
$10 for up to 3 Honorable Mentions
Post edited by Apoc on
Voted, good luck everyone !
Voted. :)
Thank you for the voting poll, Apoc. Voted. Good luck, sorry, I could only vote for 4, not 26
Voted, thanks Apoc for setting up the challenges, good luck all
Voted too.... was hard. All entries are beautiful....
Voted - excellent gallery of images. Very hard to pick only four.
I voted too. Some lovely entries again.
@Apoc - by the way the link for image 17 goes to the wrong one (number 4).
I love that cow .gif you found, by the way!
Did not vote for myself. Just too many great images. I didn't know that the majestic animals were supposed to have flowing hair.
Thanks again, Apoc. Voted with quite some difficulty, because of all the great images. Maybe I should have used a > 20-sided dice, but I could not find any
and actually , " Dragon Smoke " is a W.I.P. + Not An Entry
ed3D, but a fun one :)
good luck everyone....voted with difficulty very hard to choose just 4
well...Thanx Kindly ~.~
Please fix fullsize link for "who is majectic" entry, as it leads to other image now.
fixed, ty for heads up
I should of followed up with you on that, but wanted to be safe and not exclude anyone. But since your here :D good luck, and hope ya win
Curious works, good luck all!
Thank you, Apoc.
And yes, that cow is amazing.
Voted - top work !!!
Voted - finally got one in on time.
Excellent images!
the deed hath been dunneth
~ Voted ~
alrite then ~ Thanx
Votet :) some nice images :) the goot old Bryse. It was my Start with rendering with the Version 3 :)
Voting ended. Waiting for tie breakers. Results will be posted soon.
There were alot of tie breakers.
1st place drachenlords / 12votes
2nd place spuddy / 10votes
3rd place Horo / 6votes (Tie Break)
Honorable mentions
Diomede - maejstic animals
Ngartplay - hell horse and dinokonda
danwhiteside - Roci, Lana and Sarge
Please allow for a lil while for the prize money to be delieverd into your accounts.
Thank you Apoc.
Did we have any new Bryce users? There was to be a prize for new Bryce users.
Congrats to the winners and participants
Thank you Apoc, congrats to all winners - and participants.
Congratulation to all winners... and Apoc, thank you for your work.
Congratulations to all winners, Apoc : thank you for your work.
thank you congtats to all