G9 Masculine Chest Smoothing Morph

Heya, folks! I'm dropping this here in case it's helpful to anyone having this issue who didn't catch this thread. The G9 masculine shape has a sharp crease in the chest geometry to define the shape of the pecs, and it shows up even on shapes that would usually not have developed muscles there (H/T to @Timbales and @xyer0 for pointing it out and providing examples). This is just a simple chest morph to get rid of the crease and create a flatter chest shape.
This is an example of the Lithe morph from Genesis 9 Body Shapes with the chest smoothing:
Just unzip it and copy the data folder into the place that folder is located in your Daz content library (by default it should be C:\Users\Public\Documents\My DAZ 3D Library). The morph dial is located under Actor > Chest > Masculine, and you'll need to dial in the Base Masculine body morph. I'm new to sharing morphs, so please let me know if there are any problems!

Thanks so much for making this and for making it available to us, plasma_ring! Exactly what I needed, and thanks for basing it on the Male shape rather than the Lithe morph.
It definitely helps.
I'm really happy it helped! :D