Transfer old DAZ file to version 4.7


I have a (for me very important) old file in DAZ format.

I can still open the file fine on an older machine I have, having DAZ 4.0 on it.

Now on my new machine, I have DAZ 4.7 and somehow I cannot open the damn file on this one.

Tried to open and save as different filename on the old one but also cannot open this re-saved one.

The files contains a short animates scene with a total of 8 characters, so even if it's only a few seconds long, it would mean a LOT of work to redo it.

any suggestions how I can transfer it?



  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    What does the log say when you try to open it?  (Help > Troubleshooting > View Log)

    What are the error messages, if any, that show up

  • Birdie2Birdie2 Posts: 24

    I get


    Error setting pointers while reading file G:/video/Kino_MinMax/testdisk1/Kino Basis2_2 Publikum_7b.daz : C Exception: Memory Access Violation - Attempted to read memory at address 0x00000000


    followed by a bunch of app 5500 times entries like these:

    WARNING: Object::disconnect: No such signal QObject::currentValueChanged() in properties\controllers\dzerclink.cpp:1291
    WARNING: Object::disconnect:  (sender name:   'adj_r&lThighBendFront')
    WARNING: Object::disconnect:  (receiver name: 'Imported ERC Control')


    I do not get these on the DAZ4.0pro

  • BejaymacBejaymac Posts: 1,897

    How many "missing storable" messages do you have in the log file?

  • Birdie2Birdie2 Posts: 24

    not entirely sure what you mean... I can't find "missing storable" in the log at all, nor "storable"

    I have one line with "missing":
    WARNING: 0:1: '' :  #version directive missing


    but this happens allready whan DAZ 4.7 loads, this is not related to the file.

  • Birdie2Birdie2 Posts: 24

    Noone any idea?


  • I had a scene from 4.0.something that would not open in 4.5+. Since it is still opening on the old machine, you could try saving presets for everything and use those to rebuild it from the base content on the new machine.

  • Birdie2Birdie2 Posts: 24

    Found a way now.

    luckily I still had the install file for the version 4.5​ still here, so I updated the 4.0 to 4.5 and tried opeing the file there which worked just fine.

    here I was able to store it as DUF for 4.7 and open it on the other machine with 4.7 without problems.

    All characters survived, also all animations.

    thanks, your "4.5+" pointed me to this.

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