VDB Volume Invisible


I've spent some time on the forum to search about this problem but I didn't find a solution for it.

Some time ago, i tried the new VDB feature on Daz and it worked. The only problem back then was the VDB was not centered in the geometry so I thought I was doing something wrong but thought "I'm gonna dive deeper into that later"

This week, I tried again with tutorials this time to do things right but now, nothing happens. I have not a single error message but the volume is invisible, I did everything, renaming the surface "Volume", playing with density, etc... Still nothing.
I tried different VDB, different lights, same result. I uninstalled everything and reinstalled, still nothing when I import the VDB, the primitive looks completly empty.

Has anyone encountered this? I hope I didn't miss a thread about that.


Volume Test.jpg
2590 x 1098 - 300K


  • I believe you need to tell it which channel to use, try Flames - though if that is the free Simple Fire from the makers of Embergen, I was trying to use it the other day and couldn't get it to show either.

  • It doesn't work either ^^'

    I used the same VDB from this tutorial:

    I tried others from openVDB and I still have nothing.

  • Is the cube big enough to enclose the VDB? By default (or with the surface named Volume and Clip to Geoemtry on) it may not show, depending on placement. I'd tried Clip to Geometry off, but without changing the name. Not that enlarging the cube has helped yet, but I do have other VDBs that work so I don't think there is a general issue.

  • Do bear in mind that scaling the cube won't help, it has to be an actual large cube (created or morphed). However, I tried with a 100m cube with no visible fire.

  • Well, i tried a bigger primitive, renaming the surface, enabling and disabling Clip to geometry. Nothing changed.

    I tried different VDBs.

    Anyway, thanks for answering. I thought of using VDBs but I guess I won't ^^'

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