Sumbit your Contest ideas. ( New thread)

Hello everyone. I would like to inform you all, that our current list of contest ideas is slowly coming to a completion. In case anyone is wondering, I have been using this list right here as a refrence point on which themes we can use.
If anyone would like to submit any more, please feel free to put them down below, and I will add them to our list and keep it orgainzed for future refrences.
Depiction "the action or result of depicting something, especially in art" Your fav song, movie, book, person, place or thing. Are some examples
Interesting idea, noted
Below some ideas that popped up when thinking about it.
Your favourite poem - or - your favourite song (I know we did music already, so the favourite song should reflect the song and not music in general).
Fashion (not necessarily in clothing)
A picture in a picture? Like someone standing in a museum looking at a picture or a person in a room looking out the window so that you can see the scene outside? Or a mirrored reflection? A person in a vehicle driving but we can see the scenery outside of the car (so the camera is in the car) That kind of an idea.
Looking forward to voting on the Majestic Animals challenge.
some nice themes here...
I have one too: Once upon a time.
I think this could gives everyone a wide range of Ideas ....
Good one, Yellow Pen
Wide open range, wide open sky, big sky country, open space sky....something to do with the sky...clouds, sun, rain, stars, birds, planes, spaceships.
Second that!
~. sounds cool .~
After visiting a wonderful website of drachenlords, I thought: "how about a contest dedicated to Tarot"?