Genesis 3 : Exporting facial expression as bones pose

Hello everyone,
After a long time away from Daz, I've just returned to give a shot at Genesis 3 and was very pleased to see the new facial rig.
Unfortunately, I haven't been able to export facial expression as a pose yet. When I export as fbx, the expression is baked on the mesh instead of exported as animation on the skeleton. I didn't find a way to undo this. Is this possible? Are there options that I can't see either in Daz or the FBX exporter that would allow me to export the positions/rotations of the facial bones instead of baking the expression on the mesh? (I've been trying with visemes).
I've also tried the bvh exporter but the expression is not fully exported, only the bones rotations are exported, not the bones translations.
Any idea on how to achieve the export of a facial expression?
Thanks for your help.
I don't know about exporting as animations ... these bones are all pose-control connected type things.
Anyhow, we can save "pose presets" and I made for most of the ones that came with the basic figure. DA Link
That is what I want to know how to do as well!
Export the facial bone poses to Maya.
With G2F, the facial expressions can easily be exported as morphs but with G3F having full facial rig, this is no longer doable and then adjusting the facial bones manully is just not an option while animating.
So for now I am still using G2F in Maya for my recreational animations but would love it if there was a way to take advantage of G3F´s facial rig.
Ok, in case someone is interested as well, I've finally figured it out : in the fbx exporter options, you need to add a new morph export rule : I've added a rule matching Genesis3Female and set the action to ignore and it's worked : no more facial expression baked on the mesh and I get the right rotations/positions for the facial bones.
In Maya, you can build little interfaces with sliders that control the bones. There even some scripts out there that will guide you. You can use the sliders, create your expressions and save them in a library.
It's been over a year since I was playing with blend shapes and facial rigs in Maya so I need to get back in there. I have just started looking at G3 so I will definiately be bringing them into Maya for more investigation. I will bring the info into this forum for those who are interested.
HI yes how you di it is there any tutorial?
Was this the rul you wrote, "0 .match genesis 3 ignore?" thanks
Hi, I did itwith Genesis 8, adding an export rule called Genesis 8 Female. and action to Ignore