Genesis 8 Textures on Genesis 9?

GregoriusGregorius Posts: 397

I've just been tinkering with G9 and looking to adapt a previous product of mine to the new base.  In the absence of any merchant resources yet available, I'm wondering if there's a way to convert Genesis 8 textures to Genesis 9.  I welcome any ideas or tips!  Thanks in advance!

Post edited by Richard Haseltine on


  • Moved to Technical Help as it is a content rather than a Daz Studio question.

    Not dierctly - the UVs are different and so are the surface groups, so remapping wouldn't be an option. What you could do is export both figures as OBJ (ideally with Genesis 9 shaped to match Genesis 8), import them into a suitable modelling application (I think Blender would do), apply your maps to 8, and bake them to new maps on 9.

  • GregoriusGregorius Posts: 397

    Thanks!  I've downloaded Blender and been trying to follow this tutorial, I've used a hidden clone morph and a bit of leg posing to get G9 as close in shape to G8Fas possible and exported the result along with G8F herself as OBJs.  So far, it hasn't worked.  I keep getting a warning about a "circular dependency" in one of the material zones (not always the same one; it seems to move around).  The baking process still proceeds, but after about an hour, most of which is spent stuck at 1% progress, it seems to finish without any remapped textures having been generated.  I'll keep working on it.


  • Any Luck? I have a handful of highly customized 8.1 characters I want to transfer to 9.0. Stuck at reproducing their textures on 9.0 (sans customizing 9.0 textures all over again).

  • I am also very puzzled by this...


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