Genesis 9 Powerpose

Tried out Genesis 9 and am a bit confused. The powerpose tool seem to be super reduced compared to genesis 8. Is it supposed to be this way?

Face muscle manipulation is not even available.

I am super used to using powerpose, am I supposed to use the sliders for everything? Any way to get back the possibilities from genesis 8 powerpose?

275 x 301 - 40K
291 x 315 - 63K
358 x 305 - 21K
331 x 318 - 14K


  • It may well need a new template, at the moment it appears to be using the default.

  • Its a shame, new product, an d no powerpose template.   For some of us it is better to use power pose, than to use the widget. is more direct and without accidental selections.   Hopefully they bring it back



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