Help me find some settings in Studio

mumia76mumia76 Posts: 146

I had to reinstall my computer and thus daz studio and now the sliders on the parameters tab have become ginormous, with at least a 10 pixel gap between them, so barely a few sliders fit on screen at any given time.

Before reinstall my sliders were much smaller with virtually no gap in-between, how do I make it so again?

Post edited by mumia76 on


  • Window>Style>Select Style.

  • mumia76mumia76 Posts: 146

    Thanks, changing the style did make the sliders smaller, unfortunately it also makes the text on other panels very small. Is there a way to get the small sliders but keep the slightly bigger fonts? I could only find how to change the colors of things.

  • mumia76mumia76 Posts: 146

    I edited the topic title, because there are other things that are not as they used to be and I can't find the solution:

    1. How do I make the selected options in context menus persistent? For example the program used to remember my settings in the "pose preset load options" context menu, but now for some reason each time I try to use it it reverts to default settings.
    2. I also get a scene save options dialogue every time I click save-as, this never come up before for me, the scene was saved instantly using the settings already set in preferences.
  • mumia76 said:

    I edited the topic title, because there are other things that are not as they used to be and I can't find the solution:

    1. How do I make the selected options in context menus persistent? For example the program used to remember my settings in the "pose preset load options" context menu, but now for some reason each time I try to use it it reverts to default settings.

    You mean the dialogue when saving or when holding down cmd/ctrl on loading?

    1. I also get a scene save options dialogue every time I click save-as, this never come up before for me, the scene was saved instantly using the settings already set in preferences.

    Save as has always asked for a name,. the options dialogue is new.

  • mumia76mumia76 Posts: 146

    Richard Haseltine said:

    You mean the dialogue when saving or when holding down cmd/ctrl on loading?

    Yes, it used to remember the last used options, now it always reverts to defaults.

    Save as has always asked for a name,. the options dialogue is new.

    Of course it asks for a file name, that's why it is save as. But the additional dialogue was not there, and it is not very helpful as these settings can be pre-set from preferences. They don't seem something that you'd want to change every time you save a new scene.

  • mumia76mumia76 Posts: 146

    So is there no solution to this? It's really annoying. I'm used to just CTRL-clicking to load partial poses, now I can't do that because the dialogue always reverts to affect root instead of selected.

  • Shift-double-click will apply your preferred settings, which you can set in the dialogue before closing it.

  • mumia76mumia76 Posts: 146

    Richard Haseltine said:

    Shift-double-click will apply your preferred settings, which you can set in the dialogue before closing it.

    Shift double click on What?  If I shift double click on a pose, it just loads the full pose as if I simply double clicked on it.

  • You need to set your rpeferred options first - ctrl-double-click and in the dialogue that lets you set options there is a second tab covering setting the preferred state.

  • mumia76mumia76 Posts: 146

    Richard Haseltine said:

    You need to set your rpeferred options first - ctrl-double-click and in the dialogue that lets you set options there is a second tab coveringsetting the preferred state.

    There must be a 4.21 UI glitch, I'm using the Highway GUI style and there is no visible second tab on this dialogue for me. But when I click where it is supposed to be it is actually there, just invisible. That's why I couldn't find it.

    The tab shows up correctly in the symmetry context menu however, it is not invisible there.

  • Which style are you using? One of them does make it well-nigh impossible to see the labels of inactive tabs.

  • mumia76mumia76 Posts: 146

    As mentioned highway, but this was not an issue in 4.20.

  • Maybe it had been tweaked and has now reverted, I don't have and older version installed to check but it certainly has been an issue in the past.

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