How to modify only certain body parts without influencing the others?


Been wondering for a while if it there's a way to partly dial in figures/bodies (like IDK Michael 8, Colossus 8, Dain 8 etc etc...) only on certain body parts.

For example: the base it's genesis 8 male and then I dial in say colossus at 50% : can that be set to influence ONLY IDK the legs or the chest BUT NOT the idk neck or arms? Is there any add on that can do something like that? I remember finding something vaguely similar in the store but I cannot recall the name or find it back and I'm not exactly sure it was meant exactly for what I'm asking?

You guys know any way to do this? Also what's the lock/chain for? At first I  thought it was meant to do something like this but when tried nothing happens, closing them did absolutely nothing and when dialing in a figure despite locking the neck for example it still got changed.

Thanks! :)



  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,387

    This is probably the product you were thinking of:

  • Leana said:

    This is probably the product you were thinking of:

    Note, however, that it will not do anything for HD morphs.

  • Also what's the lock/chain for?

    It is for links between properties - for example, some characters have a master slider and Head/Body slider - if you click the chain icon then the master slider will no longer set the head and body sliders.

  • ladywolf1ladywolf1 Posts: 123

    I see, so there's no actual way to modify only a certain body part when using/combining full figures? Or that add-on would allow to do so? Thanks!!

  • Shape Splitter will allow you to spawn a morph that affects only part of the model, but only for Sd morphs not for HD morphs.

  • ladywolf1ladywolf1 Posts: 123

    Richard Haseltine said:

    Shape Splitter will allow you to spawn a morph that affects only part of the model, but only for Sd morphs not for HD morphs.

    Thanks for the reply. I'm sorry but what do you mean exactly with HD/SD morph in regards of full figures? Like if I use say figure Ollie - and I want to use its morphs only on the arms on a Genesis 8 base male... Will this work? 

  • PendraiaPendraia Posts: 3,591

    You can also split morphs within daz studio without buying anything but it would require more work. Josh Darling shows the process on YouTube  .

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,316
    edited October 2022

    Base Olie, yes, Ollie HD, no. Note, however, that you would also have to use different materials (or at least skip the normal maps) to avoid issues - but that may be your intent anyway.

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • ladywolf1ladywolf1 Posts: 123

    Richard Haseltine said:

    Base Olie, yes, Ollie HD, no. Note, however, that you would also have to use different materials (or at least skip the normal maps) to avoid issues - but that may be your intent anyway.


    Ok make sense! But what about 8.1 figures? Will it work?

  • The base shapes, yes, any HD morphs, no.

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