What is Your Favorite Subject?

I think it's obvious for some of you but I could be wrong. I think that Horo likes landscapes but perhaps it's the atmosphere or clouds.
I don't think anyone here would guess my favorite (or maybe I'm not as subtle as I think?)
Drum roll...it's FANTASY CHARACTERS. The Daz3D Troll was my first love and I used him in a series of images that told the story of Isa. I think that my fantasy images are my best and maybe it's because I'm enjoying doing them so much. I can't find most of my past images but here's one of the Isa Troll images.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to tell us your favorite subject (abstract, rainbows, animals, landscapes, etc.) and post an example of an image.

864 x 500 - 65K
NGartplay - great scene with the trolls in this snowy region.
I wouldn't say I have a favorite subject. I like to entertain myself with Bryce like others play computer games. Yes, I do a lot of landscapes but do also objects, abstracts, buildings and sci-fi scenes and also anaglyphs and panoramas. I'm not good at characters. The example is Dream Studio made in May 2009 and what can be seen in the framed pictures are also old renders.
Horo, such a fun render. I like that you put other Bryce renders into the paintings. It's hard to see the smaller ones but the large one on the wall is gorgeous. I like all the characters in the scene and I laughed at the 'thinker.' The reflective surfaces and sky light are well done.
Your picture represents you because it contains all the elements that interest you when creating an image. Well done.
NGartplay - very nice render
Horo - awesome composition and lighting
I don’t have a favorite subject. Being a non-artist, most of my renders in Bryce are doodles landscapes, abstracts, Sci-fi, stills etc. I don’t use Daz or Posers so most of the characters are either freebies or images. My entry for a Bryce Challenge, a Tribute to David and Horo as I only started enjoying Bryce after watching their tutorials.
NGartplay : great image with the trolls.
Horo : Excellent image, a bit of everything, great paintings on the wall.
mermaid : original idea, well done picture.
Favourite subjects, maybe all the unreal stuff like abstract, alien, fantasy ... I'm not good at realistic landscapes and in the size of objects and characters.
A sort of fantasy landscape. I used terrains, castle myminifactory (kijaidesign), dragon = mildragon textured in bryce.
Adbc - awesome render, like the effect of the haze/fog. Thanks for your comment
NGartplay - thank you.
mermaid - thank you. I remember that artwork and I thank you for this also.
adbc - thank you. Very cool render, great fog. Building and dragon are also very nice.
mermaid, Horo : thank you.
mermaid, your image made me smile. It's perfect and great lighting. I, too, have created because of Horo and David. Well done.
adbc, I've always felt that you leaned to the fantasy side. The foggy haze looks excellent, especially with the dragon. The castle gives us a time period. The picture is a story.
My real passion is 3D Modeling and Animation. I like doing most all type of still renders. Got one rendering now ( for the current Challenge ). It's on day 4 of AntiAliasing 81%. Maybe it will finish before the Challenge closes. lol Here's one of my Fav models from years ago.

S Ray - truly fantastic modeling work on this camera.
NGartplay : thank you.
S Ray : I agree with Horo !
S Ray, attention to detail is wonderful and love how you rendered it from all sides. So good!
NGartplay - thanks
S Ray - wow awesome modelling
+ 2 ~ yeah it is _
NGArtplay, very well made Troll render. I would not know what my favourite subject is. I guess it is terrains and then, if possible, with animals. And dramatic skies, I love too.
Here are some Dinos with a landscape.
Horo, great full indoor scene, well rendered.
adbc, yes, your favourites are clearly there!
S Ray, Oh, my, these are exquisite models and very well rendered too.
Hansmar - thank you. Very nice dino scene.
Hansmar, I would have said you liked abstracts. You've created some stunners. Your dinos rendered well. they look like they are sniffing out something to eat, lol. I like the stark lighting as it gives it drama.
Hansmar : very beautiful dino render. You certainly make wonderful terrain scenes, always different workflow.
Hansmar: A nicely done dinorama!
Horo, NGArtplay, adbc, Hubert, Thanks. And indeed, I like abstracts too. Also when painting, I tend to do abstracts once in a while. Totally different approach and workflow, though. With 3D abstracts, I tend to start with trial and error of some reflections, transparencies, negative lights, etc. And I keep making random changes until I get something I like. With painting, I generally have some ideas and start working with them. Then I loose track, partly come back to the original ideas, modify them until the final phase. In the final phase, I try to get everything together, so it is one picture and not a set of loose ideas. There goes a lot of thinking, looking, reconsidering in abstract paintings, at least the way I do it, I specifically spend relatively long considering the final touches of an abstract painting. In that sense, a figurative painting is much easier for me (specifically a more or less realistic one).
Hansmar, what medium do you paint in?
I use many media for drawing and painting. I use water colour, ink (East Indian, ecoline), crayons (pastel, oil pastel, conté), charcoal, pencils, acrylic paint and water mixable oil paint. I sometimes use other materials in my works too, e.g. (coloured) sand, oats, pieces of paper, torn pieces of paper from my old paintings, threads, tin foil, etc. I paint on paper, cardboard, canvas board and canvas. So, there are lots of materials and works filling up rooms in my house. But luckily, my wife can't complain, because her materials for crafts might even take more room than mine for painting!
Hansmar, you sound very creative. My mother supported us by doing oil portraits. People don't commission those anymore. I use acryllic and watercolor but I haven't done anything in years. I have all the paper and supplies but I spend too much time on the computer.
I too spent more time on the computer than on drawings and painting. But by joining a painting club or class I at least have one evening per week for a series of week in which I do the old handiwork.
I love fantasy renders in particular fairy/sprite type renders sometimes I'll throw the odd child in.
Very old K4 render with Nursoda characters thrown in...it has had a filter applied to the final image.
So cute Pendraia! Haven't seen Nursoda figures in a long time. All the characters are interesting and the girl is adorable.
That's a good idea Hansmar. I used to belong to local art club years ago. I should look them up again.
Pendraia : excellent fairy tale scene, beautiful characters.
Pendraia - Oldie but Goldie.
Pendraia: A wonderfully done scene, slightly eerie. Great character and texture work!