Render Queue (Manfriday or otherwise) WITHOUT restarting Daz

Hi folks,

I am looking at render queue products and need to know if any of them can be used in a way that doesn't restart Daz Studio between renders. I think ManFriday's product is probably the best for my needs, except that it restarts Daz. I know this is a feature that is meant to deal with memory issues, but I don't have that problem and can usually render out many many cameras without noticable slow down in render times. However, I do have issues with Daz loading the wrong textures, or morphs loading incorrectly, when I reload files, and have to manually redo these each time I open the file. 

Is it possible to use a custom script for ManFriday's render queue that would prevent the restart between cameras? All other settings the same. 

Are there any other render queue products that can render multiple cameras, with beauty canvass .exr file output, that doesn't require Daz to restart? 



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