Genesis 3 export


I’ve read some articles about Genesis 3 and Victoria 7 and they mentioned, that Genesis3 use some new standards for rigging, weightmapping, etc, to support other applications like 3ds Max and Maya. So the first thing I did was to get Victoria 7 into DAZ Studio 4.8. Add Hair and cloth, apply a pose and export to FBX (File -> Export -> Filetype: Autodesk FBX).

(See a screenshot of my settings attached)

Now in 3ds Max 2015 I go to 3dsMaxLogo -> Import ->Import and select the exported FBX file. I leave everything as default in the upcoming dialogue. After a couple of seconds I see my Victoria 7 but all cloth and hair are displaced. Also the Mesh resolution is very low. I guess the SubD was not exported??

(Screenshot attached)


What is the common way to do this?

My goal is to combine DAZ Content with the power of 3ds Max/Maya to render with VRay and use Vue for the environment. For now I only want to create still images but later I would like to animate my DAZ Figures with motion capture (probably using Autodesk Motionbuilder for that) and add dynamic clothing and hair via 3ds Max or Maya (have not yet decided which one to use).

I would like to learn everything that is required to create a fully animated movie.

So how to get Victoria and all her details into 3ds Max or Maya?

Thanks for any help and info!

1463 x 981 - 143K
915 x 1101 - 86K


  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Looks like the clothing and hair are coming in at the default position...the translations/rotations from the pose aren't being applied to the clothing.

  • Thanks for the reply! Yes, you're right, i've imported Victoria 7 in her default T-pose and the cloth and hair are placed correctly (but they don't move when i move Victoria).

    Is there a way to import the hair and cloth with corrent translations/rotations or is it just not possible?

    What about the mesh resolution? I know, i could just subdivide the figures again in 3ds Max, but then all the HD details are lost, aren't they?


    Thanks very much for any help!!!

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,845

    For subdivision IIRC you need to set "viewport subdivision" to the desired value before exporting.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,877

    If Viewport SubD does anything with FBX export it will increase polygon count - I would think you wanted to erappyk native 3DS SubD on import. I know FBX from modo to DS doesn't come in with SubD, though it does preserve edge weights.

  • Thank you very very much for your answers!

    Leana said:

    For subdivision IIRC you need to set "viewport subdivision" to the desired value before exporting.

    What do you mean by "viewport subdivision"? Do you mean the settings i've attached as a screenshot? Because i've set this to the maximum and still no change in 3ds Max.

    If Viewport SubD does anything with FBX export it will increase polygon count - I would think you wanted to erappyk native 3DS SubD on import. I know FBX from modo to DS doesn't come in with SubD, though it does preserve edge weights.

    "erappyk"? What does that mean?

    Does that mean 3ds Max is not capable of reading the SubD information? I've tried NURBS Subdivision in 3ds Max of the imported "editable poly" but the HD details are still gone.

    Any ideas? Thank you very much!

    556 x 744 - 73K
  • Herald of FireHerald of Fire Posts: 3,504

    Thank you very very much for your answers!

    Leana said:

    For subdivision IIRC you need to set "viewport subdivision" to the desired value before exporting.

    What do you mean by "viewport subdivision"? Do you mean the settings i've attached as a screenshot? Because i've set this to the maximum and still no change in 3ds Max.

     You'll notice there are two subdivisions. One is the render subD, which is what the render engine in Daz Studio will use, the other is just labeled 'SubDivision level' which controls the export. It's worth noting that most HD details go to at least 3 subdivisions, and in some cases much higher. This will result in extremely high detail figures though, so be aware that the polygon count will increase exponentially with higher subDs. Sometimes it's easy to forget you're exporting up to 5 million polygons in a single figure!

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,877
    edited July 2015

    I think erappyk  was meant to be apply. Not sure what happened there, other than a failure to read my own post before finishing it.

    I'm not sure if it is possible to take HD detail across without freezing the SubD, however - I'm pretty sure 3DS has an equivalaent feature, but whether FBX suports it is another matter. Of course you may be able to use a divided mesh, exported as OBJ (using the SubD Level setting) to recreate the multi-resolution morph on the imported FBX figure.

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • I've tried different things now... OBJ export, exports the Subdivided Victoria 7 as expected. The Viewport Subidivion is used to define the mesh resolution. But FBX is ignoring this. I also can see that as soon as i hit the export button, DAZ Studio is switching to SubD level 0 for about half second till the export is done and then switches back to the privously used setting.

    I also see that there is the option to select/deselect the SubD Information (see screenshot attached). So i guess there is some kind of information in the FBX file???


     Of course you may be able to use a divided mesh, exported as OBJ (using the SubD Level setting) to recreate the multi-resolution morph on the imported FBX figure.

    Do you have any tips for me how to achieve this?


    Thanks very much!

    936 x 707 - 57K
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,877

    Sorry, I don't have or know anything much about 3D Studio Max.

  • I've tried the morphing approach but it also does not work. The morph deformation looked terrible. I guess maybe because there are some inconsistencies between the meshes? IUsed a OBJ import with SubD Level 2 and the FBX imported mash had a NURBS subdivision of 2 iterations. So the resolution looked exactly the same to me. But when i deal it towards 0, the mash gets completely deformed.

    So i guess the conclusion is, that DAZ figures are not usable outside DAZ Studio? And the compatibility to other Programs like max or maya announcement was just a marketing gag... tooooo bad

  • Hi,

    did anybody find a solution in the meantime? I didn't...

  • Cris PalominoCris Palomino Posts: 11,710
    edited October 2015

    I've asked a friend who works with 3ds max to look in and see if you've gotten a response.  Please remember that since you are asking about 3ds max/Maya, someone who has those programs will need to have seen your thread, for specifics.  Having exported the Daz models, over the years, to various 3D programs, such as ZBrush, Modo, Mudbox, 3D Coat, Blender, Topogun and Maya LT, I think you may just need some patience in getting a response or submit a ticket for assistance.  Since I normally do morphs and textures, I would not be able to assist you with what you are asking.  I export at base resolution and if I need subd, I increase it in the 3D program in which I am working.

    Post edited by Cris Palomino on
  • I've asked a friend who works with 3ds max to look in and see if you've gotten a response.  Please remember that since you are asking about 3ds max/Maya, someone who has those programs will need to have seen your thread, for specifics.  Having exported the Daz models, over the years, to various 3D programs, such as ZBrush, Modo, Mudbox, 3D Coat, Blender, Topogun and Maya LT, I think you may just need some patience in getting a response or submit a ticket for assistance.  Since I normally do morphs and textures, I would not be able to assist you with what you are asking.  I export at base resolution and if I need subd, I increase it in the 3D program in which I am working.

    Thanks for your reply! Just Out of curiosity: What software do yo use? ZBrush? What if you want to create some HD morphs? Do you GoZ with a low resolution and subdivide it in the target program like ZBrush or Mudbox or whatever?

  • Only Daz PAs making products for the store can create HD morphs for use in DS (other applications may well have their own versions of multi-resolution sculpting).

  • By the way: It is not a direct 3ds Max question. It is more a export question because every program (3ds Max, Maya, Cinema4d, etc) having issues with importing. The Problem is not the import but the export out of DAZ Studio. When the export runs, DAZ Studio is switching to base resolution and after exporting back to high resolution again, so the produced FBX file does not contain any high resolution mesh. Is it maybe a DAZ Studio bug?

  • Not necessarily a bug - it may be expected that you will apply the native SubD on import. This is fairly typical - I know I have to reapply it on bringing a mesh into DS from modo (though it does preserve edge-weights).

  • it may be expected that you will apply the native SubD on import.

    The native SubD? Is this exported from DAZ Studio as well? Or do you mean the subdivision techniques of the "target" program?

    The edge-weights are not responsible for the HD details, aren't they (sorry for that noob question)?

  • Cris PalominoCris Palomino Posts: 11,710
    edited October 2015

    I do use ZBrush and I do HD morphs, but as Richard explained, it's only available to PAs, of which I happen to be one.  For morphs that will be brought back for use in Daz Studio, you would export at Base resolution.  In ZB, you won't subdivide for morphs, but you can see what the smooth, higher res version of your morph will look like by using the Dynamic Subd in 4R7.  If you're going to keep your work in your 3D program, you should be able to do whatever your computer can handle, guessing.

    Post edited by Cris Palomino on
  • it may be expected that you will apply the native SubD on import.

    The native SubD? Is this exported from DAZ Studio as well? Or do you mean the subdivision techniques of the "target" program?

    The edge-weights are not responsible for the HD details, aren't they (sorry for that noob question)?

    Right, apply SubD in wahtever form it is implemented in the destination application, assuming you need it there.

    Edge weights control how much the SubD smooths - weight an edge to 100% and it will remain fully sharp, leave it at 0% and it will be fully smoothed.

  • I see... So there is really no way to get the HD details out of DAZ Studio, am i right?

  • Not in one step. If the destination application supports multi-resolution morphs it might be possible to send the morph over as an OBJ exported with SubD, then load that as a new morph (or load in a new layer/object and transfer as a morph) for the figure imported from FBX but it's not something I have tried or seen anyone else try successfully.

  • Hey Manuel, I think I have the solution you need.

    If you have access to Zbrush (or a free trial), you can prepare your DAZ model and then export it to Zbrush with the GoZ plugin. Try exporting it afterwards as FBX to 3dsMax and see if that worked.


    If not, try go back to your DAZ model in Zbrush, and go to the Geometry Sub-tool, subdivide until level 5. Then go to Zbrush's Multi-Map exporter, and export it as a displacement map. You can then apply this displacement map to your Character in 3ds Max and it should give you the detail you are looking for. Tell me how it goes!

  • jurajura Posts: 50
    edited May 2016

    Hi there

    I would rather export G3F or G3M as OBJ,if you don't do animations I always export as OBJ,then import to 3DS Max with option selected(Collect maps),depends on model or props in 3DS Max or any other apps like C4D or Maya you need to scale yours exported model,but you can apply scale modifiers in any other application

    Regarding the SubD and other bits,usually I would start with add smooth modifier,then I would Turbo smooth and at the end I would add Subdivision modifier,with all of this yours model should looks much better FBX is good,but I wouldn't use that for stills,its pain to use and imports sometimes doesn't work,but if its works then is works there...

    You need to decide what you want to use,I use OBJ for stills If I will be at PC I will post my export settings and settings inside 3DS Max

    Hope this helps


    Post edited by jura on
  • dizzy88dizzy88 Posts: 51

    Has anyone figured out a solution for this?  I'm having the same issue importing to Maya - FBX only exports the base resolution mesh.

    Exporting as OBJ is not a good option because it won't come with morph targets.  The only option with that is to export each morph target as an individual OBJ (literally dozens) and then re-apply them in the other program.

    UE4 is similar, too - doesn't seem to want to import subdivided meshes as FBX.

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