What is this weird shaded line going across my render?

This happens in every Iray render I do, anyone know what it is or how to fix it?



Screenshot 2022-09-23 202905.png
2548 x 230 - 1M


  • This seems to be an issue with recent nVidia drivers and at least some versions of Daz Studio (or rather, Iray in Daz Studio). Roll back the drivers or, if you are not using the current build, update Daz Studio.

  • Switching the Instancing Optimzation from Auto to Speed helped get rid of the shaded line.

    Go to Render Settings > Optimaztion > Instancing Optimzation > Speed

    I believe it's Speed that helped, if not, change it to Memory.


  • Thank you, @AstroAce, switching it to speed fixed it!

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