Problems Importing Objects

Hi there, 

I'm having problems imprting an object into Bryce, and I'm at my wit's end.

I have tried a variety of formats and Bryce is point blank refusing to do what I want, I keep hitting a brick wall.

Can anyone see if it is indeed my objects at fault or is it an inherent problem with Bryce. I'd tried other objects before and they have worked but now it's just being a PITA

The file contains OBJ, 3DS and DXF files, as well as the VWX file I originally used to create as well as original designs in Illuatrator. 

If anyone could help out I'd greatly appreciate it




  • The model, indeed, seems troubled for some reason.

    I tried to open various files from it via "import" menu. And while I can confirm that I could open .dae, .3ds and .fbx formats, it seemed like something was going wrong with model, though perhaps it could be fixed.

    While .obj files were totally broken. However, I could also open .blend in Blender and export to .obj from here, which provided better results. Still, weirdly, when opening all those formats, either some parts of the ship were gone missing, or - in opposite - appeared differently. What a mistery!

  • Thanks for taking a wee look at it, I've nae idea why it's playing up like that...

  • S RayS Ray Posts: 400

    If you have UV Mapper Classic. Load the model in uv mapper- ignore the out of range uv warning-save model out of uv mapper & over ride the original. This will fix it & keep the original uvs.  UV mapper only loads OBJ format. If you don't have Uvmapper it can be down loaded here (Only download the classic's free) This may also over ride the OBJ to not point to the  MTL file. So the textures will have to be loaded manually. So when importing into Bryce select By Materials 

    634 x 371 - 115K
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