I'm just chasing some advice about running an eGPU. I know it's cheaper and better to go the full PC route, however I travel a lot and I can't haul a PC around with me - a laptop and an eGPU enclosure would be more portable. I don't see the value in a high end laptop with limited cooling, reduced VRAM and unneccesary features, which leads me here looking at the eGPU option. I am looking to start from scratch, with a new laptop as well as my current one is outdated.

So right off the bat, the laptop I'm looking at (Gigabyte A7) doesn't appear to have Thunderbolt, neither do others I've seen in this range. Can I simply connect an eGPU to a USB 3.2 port and render on it? I'm happy with it just being a dedicated rendering device, then I can continue working on the laptop without any issues or barbecued fingers.

It didn't seem as though data transfer rate would be an issue at all, and I was thinking of just getting a laptop, a Razer Core X enclosure then waiting a month or two for GPU prices to come down when the 40 series GPU's are released. Am I missing anything?


  • Okay, after some further research it seems the card won't be identified without a Thunderbolt port - and any laptop that has a Thunderbolt port is a step up from a mid-range laptop. It doesn't look practical to invest in an eGPU setup for a laptop in the 3070+ bundled GPU system range, rather to just get a high end laptop and deal with the heat and performance issues which kind of sucks.
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