DAZ products in Virtual Reality

TriskelosTriskelos Posts: 5

Not alot on the DAZ forums about using their products for Virtual Reality applications. I was recently trying this VR social program NEOSVR, available on the Steam gaming platform, most of the Avatars are furry fox looking creatures with wings and multiple tails. I guess if you visit the Klingon home world everyone looks like a Klingon.  I wanted to use DAZ Studio to create and export a custom Avatar. When I export the FBX file then import it to Neos, the program says it has no human bones and I cannot use it as an avatar. I have spend days researching other ways to re-rig the figure (using Blender 3.2), but nothing has worked so far, and I don't want to purchase more software when this should be a great start using DAZ Studio. Seems to me Avatar creation for VR applications would be a nice sales opportunity for DAZ, since they have such an awesome library of figures, clothing, and props. I tried DAZ customer service, but they admitted they don't support 3rd party products, and all the clever people are on the forums. Any help with this problem would be appreciated. Thanx!

Post edited by Triskelos on


  • well if one is into believing all the hype about NFTs being multiplatform and web3 and the Metaverse etc

    maybe that is what one needs

    a DAZ NFP Nonfungible person

    I mean those have to be good for something that we ignorant spreaders of FUD just buying normal content are overlooking

  • Thanx, Wendy. I guess I'm pioneering...lol. The static DAZ products seem to work fine, just the posable ones go wierd.

  • TriskelosTriskelos Posts: 5
    edited September 2022

    I wanted to use this M3 Space Suit and the Morphing Skull products from DAZ to make an "Expendable Crewman" avatar. I am learning Rigify from Blender to see what I can come up with.

    3840 x 2160 - 376K
    Post edited by Triskelos on
  • I was actually being a bit sarcastic as there is no way something can be multiplatform unless a standard is agreed upon

    and none of the current Web3 standards such as glTF or USD are supported by DAZ

  • TriskelosTriskelos Posts: 5
    edited September 2022

    Ha Ha! I think DAZ needs to catch up to the Virtual Reality marketplace.  When thinking about building VR worlds their products could fit nicely, with a little adjustment. Image is what happens when I try exporting FBX from DAZ Studio, then import into Blender. Not the "A" pose I started with.

    DAZ to Blender FBX import.jpg
    3840 x 2160 - 2M
    Post edited by Triskelos on
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