Forum search???
What happened to the ability to search the forums for a topic? I dropped into the forum for the first time in probably several months and found this new format. I used to be able to search the forum for posts on a topic, but now I can't find anywhere to enter a search. The search box at the top of the page in the main bar only searches the marketplace. What gives?
I reported the issue
LOL, I would search for a post on the missing search function but, um, yeah.
Glad this was up top. Would really love to see the search function back as well.
Strangely, that is my thought too. I was happy with the 'straightforward' 'simple' appearance of the forums previously.
Worse - I am trying to rediscover how to make mirror poses only to find that the pages indicated by a giggle search are no longer there.......
So this is rather a foot-shooting exercise.
Take the URL from the Google search and swap 'discussion' for 'viewthread' and it should 'fix' the broken link.
Giggle search
and thx for the tip mjc, I manually changed all my bookmarked links but will try to remember that in future for any unfixed links I find.
Thank you!!!!!
Yep! That works, but surely the simplest thing would have been to maintain the original website structure? If you aren't on Daz Forums, then you won't find this, and therefore the tip is not much help......
I for one have spent less time and money at DAZ since the new site! Changing to new Forum that isn't even close to the previous version is just another log on the fire!!
Links to individual replies are going to be harder to fix...
The threads are using the same ID numbers, the replies are not.
Replace the word viewreply in the URL with discussion/comment and it will take you to the page.