Ultra sceneryXt pane menu

I recently change my computer . My DAZStudio  stuuf is installed and seems work ok .I have ttried to instal again Ultrascenery XT plugin and i cannot see it in the pane menu inside DAZStudio
My DASZStudio is installed in D:\DAZStudio4 64 bits\
As you can see in the screen capture the items ( materials. plants .presets etc) is installed there
and i have  another libray E:\DAZStudio  Libray:\My library sur E
But how to install the plugin -the path-  for seeing it in the pane menu?
it i=s supposed to be in:
D:\DAZStudio4 64 bits\plugins

Screen Shot 09-08-22 at 03.17 PM.JPG
1133 x 419 - 134K


  • Plugins for the Windows > Panes - usually found in the program folder.

    I don't have the XT - but do have the 1st one. It doesn't have a pane, the script is run from the Content Library by double clicking on its icon. {I don't use Smart Content}.


  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,310
    edited September 2022

    How did you install (DIM or manual)?

    Have you installed both parts of Ultra Scenery XT? The libraries you show are from installer 01. There is also an installer 02 which should add files to wherever the Daz Studio program itself is installed, not in "My Library".

    Post edited by MelanieL on
  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,310
    edited September 2022

    I just read your original message again. I think you need to check that installer 02 placed something in
    D:/DAZStudio 64 bits/plugins/UltraSceneryXT/

    Do you have a file and an images folder at that location?

    Post edited by MelanieL on
  • MartialMartial Posts: 412

    Thanks for your comments .I finally instal it again manually in the folder indicated by Melaniel.Now i have it in the pane menu

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,310

    Great - I'm glad you now have it working.

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