Rows and columns in renders

Is there a count difference in the number of rows and columns in any given image when the ppi varies? Example are there more in a 300 ppi render
than a 72ppi image, Also does the quality of the render going from normal quality to ultrafine affect this?
Dots per inch (dpi) is related to printing, it has nothing to do with the rendering a digital image.
The size of the image is defined in pixels (dots), for example 800 pixels horizontally and 600 pixels vertically. if one would print such an image at 300dpi, it would be 2 inches high.
If you know thwe size and PPI you want then of course the PPI (and size) do affect the pixel count - you can let daz Studio do the sums for you, for a ten by eight inch image at 300PPI just type 10 * 300 and 8 * 300 in the size boxes (rembering to turn the option to constrain the aspect ratio off).