Light Panels Not Casting Light

Hi, I recently purchased the Bluson Libray. There are a number of chandeliers with light panels attached. The Luminance is set to Ten Million on each of them, but they cast no light. The emission color is set to pure white, and Two-Sided Light is enabled. I've tried just about every combination of dome and scene light configurations I can think of. Does anyone know what I'm missing? Thanks.


  • some one else commented how how the flames in a pyro set weren't displaying and I noticed that light emitting panels I had created where no longer as bright. 
    I think there's a possliblity that the iray render engine in 420  is a little different... as you cut the visibilty of a light emitting surface down (so it wouldn't be seen) it appears you have to raise the luminance a lot. 
    Possible like if it's 100 lumens at 100% (no cut out but not in the rendered scene) and you cut it to .0001 cutout to not be visible you have to multiply by 1000? 
    to get the pyromantic to work had to raise the emission from the default up to 200000 watts... 
    but the flame below at 2000 watts didn't show at all and at 20000 was barely there ... and these were at 400% size increase so there may be a ratio of size, opacity, and emission amount involved ... 


    small inferno 400 getting better 200000w.jpg
    1000 x 2000 - 2M
    small inferno 400 getting better 20000 w.jpg
    1000 x 2000 - 1M
  • This is esentially the same issue as that with Ghost Lights - where before a surface with non0-zero Cutout Oapcity meitted light at whatever Luminosity it was set to now the Luminosity is multiplied by the opacity at each point, so with flames that are transparency-mapped planes the area that is actually emitting light is greatly reduced and so it is much darker. There is a lot of discussion about Ghost Lights, and that applies here too.

  • Ah, OK! Thanks a ton! I've been experienting with the relationshop of the opacity and lumiance, and it's behaving exactly as you guys said. Thanks again! smiley

  • jjoynerjjoyner Posts: 640

    The library is a very nice set.  I bought it in July and quickly discovered that it loaded almost completely dark.  The light panels load with an emission color of white but the light bulbs load with an emission color of black.  The lights will take work to get something that approximates the promo images.

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