Ambient Occlusion Overpowering Scene

Good day, about a week ago, my 3Delight renders starting being alll blown out (nearly white). I played with some things, re-installed Studio, then went into detailed tests. I tracked it down to the Ambient Occlusion which seems to be overpowering the scene even when given a strength of zero.

I am stuck and confused. Anybody know what is happening? Thanks!


  • Ambient Occlusion from what? The light you are using, or surface shaders, or something else?

  • 31415926543141592654 Posts: 975

    Richard Haseltine said:

    Ambient Occlusion from what? The light you are using, or surface shaders, or something else?

    Hmmm ... it seems to be related to shaders and not lights.

  • 31415926543141592654 Posts: 975

    I also begin to wonder if ambient occlusion is not the problem but the only modifier that is strong enough to effect the render.

    EDIT: It does seem to be the occlusion, I found a shader that does not include it when applied and that shader worked fine.

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