(New User) Tone mapping missing, Tutorial stalled.

I have been using Daz for about an hour now trying to progress the tutorial and have hit a wall.

Tone Mapping just sint where the tutorial says it should be, and it wont let me continue nor click anything else untill i do what the tutorial says.

I have tried looking into Google and stopped he tutorial BUT the info im being given is WAY over ym head as a new user. I found how to create an Enviroment node BUT that doesnt seem to have the stated options for Tone mapping, I saw you can also 'render a scene' to get those options BUT i have no clue what thats even about??? The Tutorial hasnt covered it (Im guessing yet). Peoples screenshots dont even match how my copy of Daz studio looks so i cant use them for refference!


Does anyone know what im suposed too do? As a total newbie with no clue whats even where?
I also tried to click their video tutorials BUT all come back "Private Video". How do they expect new people to pick up the program if their tutorial is broken and videos arent accessable???


  • felisfelis Posts: 4,193
    edited August 2022

    It was moved some years ago.

    Click Create > New Tonemapper Options Node. You can keep the default name, and it will appear in the scene tab.

    And to see the settings you have to select it in the scene tab and open the parameters tab.

    Documentation for Daz Studio is unfortunately rather old, and not up to date.

    Post edited by felis on
  • SililosSililos Posts: 0



    I did something along those lines and it just added an opject but didnt add the settings.


    Not sure how but i somehow fluked my way past it lol.


    Now i have a new issue.... trying Beach day.... it asks me to set Nvidia Iray as the renderer..... which it is.... and wont let me click anything else or progress.

    Have tried switching to anouther then switching back. doesnt work.

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