Rendering (iray) grainy

my first rendering with daz3D takes a long time but the quality was fine. later renderings take more time, but the renderings are very grainy. it seems that the render-process stops
please the the example below.
i work with an MacBook Pro and Yosemite.
Any Ideas?

565 x 513 - 791K
is the figure just standing in an empty scene or is it in a room, or some other enclosed space (such as an actual sky dome)?
It looks to me like the render is not complete yet. Are you letting it run all the way to completion?
In the render settings, what % convergence are you asking it to stop at? Do you have a time limit set? Maybe your render is stopping before it finishes.
In a scene like this, empty with one character, the render time should be fairly quick unless you have 47 different light sources or something.
I did a test with my computer rendering with Daz3D NVIDIA IRAY an image, and it took me 3 hours and 20 minutes. In the process i saw the image like yours one, with that kind of granity. I think that your process stopped before finished.
Have your graphic card 4GB dedicated RAM? I mean your graphic card, not your computer RAM.
OP - to clarify: By default DAZ 4.8 comes 'out of the box' with Iray set to a time limit. If your computer was only at this point in the render, even if it was only 1% converged, and you hit that time limit, it would stop. So you need to up the time limit if that is happening.
I just started having this same problem. My renders have looked great until recently.
Steven-V, how do you change the time limit?
Here is a screen shot of where you need to do changes
Which probably means CPU rendering as opposed to GPU, because even if you do have an Nvidia GPU it is probably a small (memory) one and are running out of memory for it...if it was being used, at all.
Ooooh! I'm using DS 4.8 and I didn't know that, thanks!
I noticed that there are a couple of sort of "drag-and-drop" rendering quality settings in the Easy Iray Studio set... would those work on other scenes do you think, or are they only for use with the EIS. I've done one render for close to 7 hours where I upped the quality a bit and sure enough, a lot less grain and the final result was more polished.
Hmmm, seems the EIS has been updated now, to "DS 4.9 only". Wonder if that's going to become a trend.
I don't have that set but it should work with other things - (The one in Render Studio does).
You can also change the completion requirements while you are rendering just click on cancel (Don't close the render window)
On the left you can click to open a panel with your settings & up them if you think your render is not complete & it will continue or restart if it finished early - I attached screen shots of that to as its easier to see what I mean - I use 4.9 but 4.8 has this to
The 2 versions work much the same for render settings so you should be OK - 7 hours for a render makes you a lot more patient than me :)
Every time I've encountered this issue, it's because I forgot to make changes in the Progressive Render group (above). When I do remember (or am reminded by a recurrence of this very situation), I always set the 'Max Samples' to its upper limit (15000 on my machine), and the 'Max Time' value to some utterly insane number (115,000-and-change, usually), and then cut 'er loose! (And then I take off for a weekend in Aruba while I wait for the render to complete! I'm a huge fan of multi-tasking!
I generally leave the Convergence value at its default; I've never encountered any situation that would cause me to want to change it, and on those occasions when I did (experimenting, you know), I found that I would have been better off if I hadn't.
^^^^ Ken has it right.
To deal with stubborn grain, avoiding alter the converged ratio (95% is good for just about everything), but the Rendering Quality. The latter is a threshold of how Iray interprets convergence. The higher this value, the more strict Iray is in intepreting when convergence has been achieved. It's a more controllable metric, and lets you set values above or below the baseline of 1.0.
Converged Ratio is a termination setting, whereas Rendering Quality actually affects how much work Iray will put into making those pesky pixels look good.
From the Iray programmer's manual: "A convergence estimate for a pixel has to reach a certain threshold before a pixel is considered converged. This attribute is a relative quality factor for this threshold. A higher quality setting asks for better converged pixels, which means a longer rendering time. Render times will change roughly linearly with the given value, i.e., doubling the quality roughly doubles the render time"
**I think** I understand what you're saying but I'm not sure. ATM I've turn the "Aero Theme" off on my Windows 7 computer to try and save on system resources - woah, a possible mistake as the multi-tasking tabs have vanished and I now seem to be able to do absolutely nothing else while an Iray render is underway!
I have to be careful when I "branch off" on things... for instance there is adjusting the render quality, where using a value of "2.0" say will roughly double the render time, and there's these shortcut settings in the Easy Iray Studio - draft, "good", high, and "promo quality". At this rate it is pretty time-consuming to do four separate renders to compare the results... a new computer is a must, I'm realizing. Thanks much.
Right. I found it - the really, really tiny tab or box on the left side of the Render window in DS 4.8 ... many thanks.
Yikes, was trying to render a larger version of my latest render that might be printable, but after 12 hours it was still only 9 % done!! I gave up with it :-(
I believe I have noticed "false delays" on my vintage equipment (old computer, not enough RAM, not enough video power, Win7 64-bit) where for the longest time -- perhaps a few hours say -- Iray will say "8%" done or 10% done or something like that, and moments later the render will end on its own.