Morphs management, paths, Label names, Morphs names, etc

I recently created about 35 morphs for a new Hair figure of mine.
I used Morph loader pro wich worked well, the morphs sliders doing their job as expected.
I found the sliders under (Parameters Tab) My Hair figure > Morphs> Morph Loader.
I saved the scene for the night and reloaded it the next morning, everything seemed to be OK.
Then I went to the parameters settings of each morph to rename them (Name and Label) and give some coherent colors to the sliders. Saved my Figure Asset.
I created new paths in order to have my morphs in a nice hierarchical pathway, like: Actor > Front > Front Left > (my front left morphs). Saved my Figure Asset again
Then I went in Edit Mode, and did the usual ERC Freeze, Accept, Save as Morph Asset, Actor, Front, Front Left and check the current morph as usual.
Saved my Hair figure as Support Asset / Figure/Prop Asset / My Hair figure name.
Closed DazStudio for the night
Relaunched DazStudio, loaded my "My Hair" and I found a real mess:
Some morph sliders are missing altough I can find the files in my product data, wich went to another mess: some morphs DUF files are in the Product Folder, some in the Base folder...
Some morph sliders loosed their new Label name and some were named as I did rename them.
Some morph sliders went to the "Actor > Front > etc" path but
A new path was created: "Actor > Morphs > Morph Loader > Front > Front Left...
Another new path appearead: "Actor > Morph Sculpt wich contains "pJCMNeckFwd_35". Should I delete this propertyfrom that path?
I obviously misunderstand the morphs paths management and I feel stupid.
I encountered the same problems while working on 2 precedent Hair figures and happily found a way to release clean files, wich are quite nicely sold in the "other store".
The "other store" testers examinate strictly your files before they allow your product to be released. That's why I don't want to be a Daz3D Published Artist.
But I do not understand how, why, and ***! the morphs paths management is so tricky in DazStudio.
Sorry for my bad english...



  • DaremoK3DaremoK3 Posts: 798
    edited August 2022

    @rosseliani :

    I don't really see a question here, but it seems that you might require some assistance for your product.

    Since you stated that you have sold some product with morphs included, I will assume that you have some basic knowledge of how this all works.

    However, It appears you are being tripped up by the order of how you are supposed to save your product/morphs with correct naming conventions, and are running into problems because of your saving and re-naming habit.

    First, and foremost, before you try to add any morphs to your product you need to make sure the product is set;  Meaning, you have to save your hair asset first with no planned changes in naming or location.  This means to actually save as a final content data and library product/asset  --  Not a saved scene DUF that you are working in to complete the product.

    When this is completed, check your work by loading a fresh scene and make sure your product works as expected.

    Second, once you have established that your hair asset is secure in the asset data/library, then move onto the adding of the morphs to the product.

    As you are using MLP, here is where you can set your path location ("Actor > Front > etc") for the Parameters Tab and changing the morph name if you don't want it the same as the OBJ name (but why are you naming your OBJ morphs a different name than the wanted final name?).

    Next, you can move on to the Parameters adjustments if so desired;  Change the user front-facing 'Label' name, change both colors for slider, change path location if you changed your mind where you want it to show, etc.  Do not change the morph (internal) 'name'  --  You should have already set your final morph internal name using MLP already.

    Now, once all your morphs are set;  Save them using the save morph assets function.  Do Not Keep re-saving your "Figure Asset again" over, and over.  Do not do a save "Figure Asset" during the adding morphs stage at all.

    When this is all complete, start with a fresh scene again and reload your hair product to test all your morphs are working correctly.  If you have any issues, this is where you will have to make corrections/edits, and re-save the 'problem' morphs only.

    And, just to add, the morph management in DS is quite straight forward.  morph data (.dsf) goes into the data folder created by the saved figure asset, and you can make any Parameter changes in the GUI, including setting up JCM's with ERCfreeze and resaving the morph data again.  Just do not change the internal name of the morph, nor try to change it's data location from the parent product DSF file that links with the library DUF file.

    I hope you have understood all of this, and that it helps.  Try again fresh and see if you can get your product completed without issues.

    If you run into specific issues, just let us know, and someone will come along and help (mostly)...

    *EDIT:  I checked out your DeviantArt page (nice looking hairs), and I see that you use Blender  --  I am working on a scripted bridge for morph target work on assets to make all this easier for content creators, but am still aways from completion.

    See these threads :


    Post edited by DaremoK3 on
  • rosselianirosseliani Posts: 374

    DaremoK3 said:

    @rosseliani :

    I hope you have understood all of this, and that it helps.  Try again fresh and see if you can get your product completed without issues.

    If you run into specific issues, just let us know, and someone will come along and help (mostly)...

    Thank you for the useful informations and advices​!

    I must admit that my workflow was quite messy, so I renamed all my .obj files with their final names and reloaded all of them. Everything seems fine now!

    Have a nice day!



  • someone explain to me how to apply the Morphs, install a gluteal Morphs but it won't let me apply it to my character

  • ortegacan2000 said:

    someone explain to me how to apply the Morphs, install a gluteal Morphs but it won't let me apply it to my character

    How did you install? Which morph is it 9assumign it isn't on an "adult" site)?

  • Richard Haseltine said:

    ortegacan2000 said:

    someone explain to me how to apply the Morphs, install a gluteal Morphs but it won't let me apply it to my character

    How did you install? Which morph is it 9assumign it isn't on an "adult" site)?

    I downloaded and installed (Big Glutes Morphs for G8F Vol 3) but it won't let me apply it to G8F, maybe I have to create a new folder or apply it in a different way than normal?

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