Now ready for download - Diamonds are a girl's best friend jewelry for G8F
At the request of @AOBB - jewelry fit to wear with a pink dress in a musical number:
Free to download at

600 x 480 - 469K
Post edited by perlk on
Oh @perlk - you are melting my heart! I have already prepared a scene with Sweetheart and all it needs is the necklace! Thank you so much for allowing yourself to be talked into making that choker! Here is the image without the necklace:
I finally made for Sweetheart a dress that is more a cross between the famous pink dress and the "Happy Birthday" dress. I think it looks nice and with your necklace the render will be complete and gallery-worthy!!!.
P.S. If there is a particular person from Hollywood's Golden Era (1940s - 1950s) that you would like me to sculpt, just let me know - I owe you! Please just remember that it takes me usually a lot of time to get a sculpt done!
That looks amazing!!!! I love it! What dress is that, and did you do the texture yourself?
I know they're not 1940's, but I would love Clara Bow or Jean Harlow. I love the 1920s-30s!
After I finish the project I'm working on now, Jean Harlow is next!
As for the products used to created this dress: - organza layer - sequins - the basic silk material for the gloves and dress
I used geo shells of course.
I've noticed that these wonderful shaders make a pretty convincing silk too:
Cannot wait to see the finished necklace!
I agree, Richard!
Perlk and AOBB, amazing work both of you. Can't wait to see the final render.
Beautiful necklace!
Thanks all!
It's coming along... Here's the second necklace. Now I've just got her earrings to model! These are some seriously sparkly gems and I hope they don't melt your graphics cards
Absolutely AWESOME!!!
We are nearly there. The earrings are done. The only issue I have is doing figures warps when you re-pose. And doing props need major positioning when you pose her. So I'm still working on that.
Could you save them as 'Smart Props'? That way you save them as a figure or whatever, parent to the ears and then save as a 'Wearable Preset' and tick the 'Parent Smart Prop' tickbox. This means they should appear at the ears. The only problem is that they will have to be tweaked once in position to fit the particular character's ears. Otherwise, as you pose the figure they should stay in the right position & any rigging in the earring prop will be retained. Just make the prop origin point where the hook goes through the ear.
Otherwise, imagine my chin on the deck. They are absolutely amazing.
OK, this sounds fantastic, but I'm totally lost :-) Do you know of a good step by step tutorial on how to do this? (i.e. import OBJ, convert to figure, parent to ears, then...?)
Actually, never mind - I found this tutorial and was able to create them as wearable presets!
OK friends - here you go! Can't wait to see what you all do with this!
@perlk - thank you so, so much!!! I just downloaded the set and will do the full render with Sweetheart and your jewelry later today. I also dropped the project I've been working on, because I couldn't get the likeness right at all and now I'm working on Jean Harlow!!!

Congratulations on your Elizabeth earrings "freebie of the week" pick on renderosity!
Hi @perlk,
I downloaded into the scene the diamond set and it wasn't following the pose correctly. I also tried zeroing the pose, downloading the jewelry and then applying the pose but that didn't help either. I decided to manually place the necklaces and then I have noticed that their pivot points are far removed from the jewelry props. I centered the pivot points to each necklace and then translated them into their proper places. I also scaled the choker, so it would fit the neck better. Here is a brief and easy tutorial on how to move an object's pivot point:
As Sweetheart has her head tilted to the side and the earrings are one prop (I believe), then I couldn't rotate each of them to "fall" straight down, so I decided not to use them. In the earrings I buy from DAZ each earring is a separate prop and they are parented to the proper ear with the pivot point placed where the earing is "connected" to the ear.
Just thought I'd share those issues with you, so next time (should you decide to make another jewelry set) you can take those into consideration.
Anyway, right now I am rendering Sweetheart in all her diamond glory!
I think she looks fabulous! Thank you again, perlk! 

Here's the completed render. Sweetheart looks smashing in all those diamonds! It wouldn't happen without you, @perlk!
I'm going to put this render up in the gallery (with proper credits!) next and add a link to it in this post.
@barbult - no, I believe this is the correct shader. Maybe it is a matter of lighting the scene with an HDRI? I don't know. All the diamond's, not just the ones in the necklaces are very bright.
Awesome, I was already working on a scene for this jewelry, Marilyn Monroe, & Rober Mitchem, so I'll try & get motivated enough to finisish posing & lighting it.
Do you have "bloom" on?
Nope, no "bloom", @nonesuch00. Cannot wait to see your render!
Aren't you a star! I'll reset the pivot points and re-package.
I think your render looks great, but same, the diamonds don't look super shiny. Did you try reducing the environment amount and adding spotlights or point lights?
PS: Pivot points are set properly now - I wonder why they got weirdly out of whack? No wonder I couldn't get them to parent properly when I posed G8F. You'll want to redownload if you downloaded it yesterday.
FYI - it is 99% likely it is the HDRI settings. Picture 1 is Environment value dragged up to 20:
Picture 2 is Environment value dragged down to 2 and a point light:
Part of the issue is the lighting that's coming from the front, which is where the majority of the flat facets of the diamonds are facing. Even in real life if you don't offset the lighting the facets will just appear white - all faceted gems have this problem when it comes to direct lighting. You might want to try toning down the HDRi lighting and add a semi-back side light. That will also give her hair a bit more life and add a little more dynamic movement through diverse shadows & highlights in the image overall. A simple emissive plain or ghost light should do. You don't want it at a high level either so as not to flood the image too much. Overall the image looks really good AOBB.
Thank you @perlk and @K8sGraphics for your help with the lighting problem! I will re-render the image sometime today with different lighting.
@perlk - I'm glad my hunch about the pivot points proved correct. I still have to install the new and improved version of your diamond jewelry set but I'm convinced it will work properly now. I'll try out the new set and let you know how it behaved.