User control of install location .. make it helpful!

I've been a patron of DAZ 3D content for over 10 years. I've migrated to a new computer about every 3 years, while also owning both desktops and laptops (for personal use).
It has always been a struggle moving from one machine to another. And with a variety of DAZ attempts to "help" manage my purchased content, it's been extremely frustrating.
And, a big issue for me is continuing to struggle with DAZ insistence installing everything on my primary drive!! OMG ... SSD's are still expensive and too small for all my data (not to mention how Windows is a hog of an OS).
I NEED to install DAZ on a secondary drive PERIOD. This is rediculous. Yes, it is possible. But, make it easier. Don't forget that i've preinstalled content in one way on other drives over these 10+ year. Make a way to discover that content!!
The content is great, but I go for longer periods of time avoiding DAZ because of the frustration!
How are you installing? DIM first appeared about ten years ago, but it had to be configured manually to install to a different folder. Now it is a snap to configure. DAZ Central, not so much, but apparently can be done. Connect just needs a path.
For existing content, you can tell Studio where to look with the Content Directory Manager, adding folders as you wish. You can also move the content to the same relative position, or make more libraries as it suits you. There are ways.
Install Manager has always been able to set the download and installation paths through the UI. The Manifests (I think) and Tumbnails folders did have to be set by editing the .ini file initially. Certainly I have been isntalling to a non-boot drive all along, and even the old executable installers would remember the non-boot default path in most cases as far as I recall.