a bit lost with DAZtoUnreal

Hi all, as the title says im a bit lost..
I was able to find the UE5 DAZTOUNREAL plugin on github, & i got that installed...
HOWEVER, here is where im lost...
I'm unable to find the "DaztoUnreal" export plugin for daz... so that from daz i can select file / send to/ unreal.... from the menu within Daz... Any help on where the latest version is located? cant find it on the DAZ store / github
Post edited by majesticcreations on
If you are using the David Vodhanel version, it comes with instructions on how to install both the "DazStudioPlugin" folder as well as the "UnrealPlugin" folder:
The latest version and installation instructions can be found here:
Make sure you are using the correct github page:
hi all, yes I figured it out, and sorry for the long delay.